Video Training

FLRA Video Training Library

The “CFPB” Management Rights Test
Resources: Authority Decisions; CFPB Decision 73 FLRA 670;
Decisions Applying CFPB: 74 FLRA 6; 73 FLRA 888; 73 FLRA 880; 73 FLRA 860;
73 FLRA 855; 73 FLRA 822; 73 FLRA 784; 73 FLRA 781 CFPB Test Flow Chart
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Negotiability Regulations Changes - October 2023
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Collective Bargaining – ScopeCollective Bargaining – Duty To BargainCollective Bargaining – Good Faith / Bad Faith Bargaining
Collective Bargaining – Defenses to the Duty to BargainCollective Bargaining – Remedies
Union Elections - Filing a Petition with the FLRAUnion Elections - The Election AgreementUnion Elections - Election Procedures
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Investigatory Examinations: An IntroductionInvestigatory Examinations: Who is an Agency RepresentativeInvestigatory Examinations: Who is a Bargaining Unit Employee?
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Investigatory Examinations: What is an Examination?Investigatory Examinations: What is Reasonable Fear and When has it occurred?Investigatory Examinations: What is an Employee's Request for Representation?
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Investigatory Examinations: What are Parties' Obligations and Rights?  
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Unfair Labor Practice Charges – Timeliness: How to File a Timely ULP Charge?Unfair Labor Practice Charge Investigatory Process
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Requests for InformationMeetings and BypassesDiscrimination
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Violations by UnionsUnlawful Interfence
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