FLRA General Counsel Announces Web-Based Interactive Training On Rights and Obligations Under the Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute (May 3, 2012)
The Office of General Counsel (OGC) of the Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA) is pleased to announce that its web-based interactive basic statutory training on rights and obligations under the Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute (Statute) is now available on-line. The training, which the FLRA unveiled at a Town Hall Webinar broadcast from the United States Office of Personnel Management (OPM) on April 26, 2012, is a comprehensive course of nine lessons on the structure and functioning of the FLRA and the legal requirements of the Unfair Labor Practice (ULP) provisions of the Statute. It is intended to educate Federal employees, managers, and unions on how the Statute defines ULPs and how they can guide their relationships to comply with the Statute’s requirement that collective bargaining promote an efficient and effective Federal service. According to General Counsel Julia Akins Clark, the training is another example of the OGC’s effort to provide the Federal labor-management community with comprehensive resource and training materials to assist them in promoting cooperative labor-management relations that comply with the mandates of the Statute. More information about the training, including how to access it, can be found here in the full press release announcing the training.