Filing Arbitration Appeals (Exceptions) - General

The Authority prefers that parties use the FLRA's eFiling systemHowever, you can find arbitration forms here if you do not wish to file electronically.

Once an arbitrator issues an award, either an agency or a union may appeal the arbitrator's award by filing an "exception" with the Authority within 30 days after the date on which the Arbitrator served the award on the parties.  Exceptions and any oppositions to those exceptions must be filed with the Office of Case Intake and Publication.  The Authority's review of an arbitrator's award is very limited, and the grounds for appeal are specified in the Authority's Regulations and in the Authority's Guide to Arbitration.

In addition, you can find the information necessary for filing an exception in the Checklist for Filing Arbitration Appeals (Exceptions) page.  

If the information contained in these pages does not answer all of your questions, specific inquiries can be directed to the Office of Case Intake and Publication