Office of Administrative Law Judges
Phillip G. Tidmore, Esquire Christopher C. vanNatta, Major, USAF For the Respondent Before: PAUL B. LANG Administrative Law Judge
This case arises out of an unfair labor practice charge by the
American Federation of Government Employees, Local 1840, AFL-CIO
("Union") against the Department of the Air Force, Randolph Air
Force Base, San Antonio, Texas ("Respondent"). The General Counsel
subsequently issued a Complaint alleging that the Respondent
violated §§7116(a)(1) and (8) of the Federal Service
Labor-Management Relations Statute ("Statute") by conducting a
formal discussion on or about March 12, 2001, without having
provided the Union with advance notice and an opportunity to be
represented as required by §7114(a)(2)(A) of the Statute.
A hearing was held in San Antonio, Texas on January 23, 2002,
before the undersigned Administrative Law Judge. This Decision is
based upon consideration of the evidence as well as the demeanor of
witnesses and the post-hearing briefs of the respective
Position of the General
The General Counsel contends that, on March 5 and 12, 2001, the
Respondent conducted formal discussions with certain of its
employees in the Lodging Department. During the course of those
discussions management representatives announced that the employees
would be required to conduct daily inventories of amenities (such
as coffee, shampoo and mouthwash) in the guest rooms. Prior to that
time inventories were to be conducted only twice a week.(1) Management representatives also
introduced new forms for the inventory of amenities and linens.
Those discussions were held without notice to the Union which was
thereby deprived of the opportunity to send a representative to
protect its interests as well as those of the employees in the
bargaining unit.
The General Counsel acknowledges that the Complaint, like both
the original and amended unfair labor practice charge, refers only
to the discussion on March 12, 2001. However, the General Counsel
argues that the Respondent should also be held accountable for the
events of March 5, 2001, because the significance of those events
was fully litigated at the hearing.
Position of the Respondent
The Respondent has not specifically addressed the meeting of
March 5, 2001, but maintains that the housekeeping staff has never
been required to inventory amenities more than twice a week. The
meeting on March 12, 2001, was no more than a regular monthly
training session during which management representatives emphasized
the importance of pre-existing procedures and standards such as
wearing clean uniforms, not overloading carts and using telephone
codes to report when each room had been cleaned. New forms were
introduced for the inventory of amenities and linens, but they were
closely similar to the previous forms and did not cause a change in
the duties or working conditions of the employees. Therefore, the
March 12 meeting was not a formal discussion within the meaning of
the Statute.
Findings of Fact
On March 12, 2001, a training meeting of the housekeeping staff
was held behind Building 118. Such meetings had been routinely held
on a monthly basis for the past 13 years. Housekeeping employees
learned of the meeting by means of a notice on the bulletin board
as well as by oral notification from their supervisors. Such
meetings were mandatory for all housekeeping employees who were
scheduled to work at the time. The supervisors would brief absent
employees upon their return. The meeting was conducted by Sharon
Smith the Housekeeping Manager and was attended by Mary Cantu, the
Assistant Housekeeping Manager. The meeting lasted for about 45
minutes. It apparently followed a prearranged agenda, but there is
no evidence that the agenda was published to the employees or that
official notes were taken.
Discussion was largely devoted to a review of the results of a
recent Innkeeper Inspection. Some emphasis was placed on the need
to exercise better control of inventory; new storage room and linen
inventory forms were introduced. There was also discussion
regarding adherence to pre-existing work rules covering such
subjects as dialing in when each room has been cleaned, maintenance
of uniforms, wearing of name tags and attendance.
Discussion and Analysis
The Meeting of March
The General Counsel relies upon Bureau of Prisons, Office of
International Affairs, Washington, D.C. and Phoenix, Arizona, et
al., 52 FLRA 421 (1996), in support of the proposition that
the Respondent should be held to account for its conduct at the
meeting of March 5 in spite of the fact that only the March 12
meeting was cited in the Complaint. In that case the Authority
reiterated its prior holding that:
. . . the test of full and fair litigation was one of whether
the respondent knew what conduct was at issue and had a fair
opportunity to present a defense (Id. at 429).
The General Counsel has not met that test in this instance. Both
the original and the amended unfair labor practice charges (General
Counsel's Ex. 1(a) and (c)) refer only to the meeting which took
place "on or about" March 12. Furthermore, the General Counsel did
not move to amend the Complaint either at the hearing or within 10
days after the close of the hearing in accordance with
§2423.21(b)(3) of the Rules and Regulations of the Authority.
Although there was evidence concerning the meeting of March 5, the
Respondent was not put on notice that the earlier meeting was at
issue. In view of the fact that the alleged change in the inventory
procedure (a change which is denied by the Respondent) was
rescinded soon after its introduction on March 5, the Respondent
was entitled to assume that this proceeding concerned only the
events of March 12. Accordingly, the General Counsel's arguments
concerning the meeting of March 5 will not be considered.
The Meeting of March
Both the General Counsel and the Respondent have correctly cited
the same criteria for determining whether a meeting is a formal
discussion within the meaning of §7114(a)(2)(A) of the Statute.
Among the criteria are: (1) the position in the management
hierarchy of the individual who held the meeting, (2) whether other
management representatives attended, (3) where the meeting took
place (i.e., a supervisor's office, an employee's work
station or elsewhere), (4) how long the meeting lasted, (5) whether
the meeting was called by means of an advance written notice, (6)
whether a formal agenda was established, (7) whether employee
attendance was mandatory, and (8) the manner in which the meeting
was conducted (i.e., whether employees' comments were
noted or transcribed). See, for example, U.S. Dept. of Justice,
Bureau of Prisons, Federal Correctional Institution, Bastrop,
Texas, 51 FLRA 1339, 1343 (1996). Furthermore, the parties
agree, again correctly, that the above criteria are not to be
applied mechanically. Rather, the totality of fact surrounding the
meeting must be examined to determine whether it was a formal
discussion, Marine Corps Logistics Base, Barstow,
California, 45 FLRA 1332, 1335 (1992).
The meeting of March 12 had four of the eight aforementioned
indicia of a formal discussion. It was conducted and attended by
management representatives, it was announced by an advance written
notice and attendance was mandatory, although employees were not
required to give up or rearrange their days off in order to attend.
However, the location of the meeting was where routine
informational meetings were often held. It was not lengthy
considering the number of topics which were addressed. There was no
formal agenda and no official notes were made or
In considering the meeting as a whole, it is clear that its main
purpose was to review the results of the inspection and to remind
employees of existing procedures. To be sure, those topics are
employment-related as are all matters discussed at meetings
conducted by supervisors and attended by rank and file employees.
However, the Authority has recognized that, in the absence of
communications concerning grievances or discipline, such meetings
are informational only and are not to be considered as formal
discussions, Dept. of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Affairs
Medical Center, Gainesville, Florida, 49 FLRA 1173, 1175
(1994). Indeed, it could not rationally be otherwise. If the
introduction of any employment-related subject were all that was
necessary to transform a meeting between supervisors and employees
into a formal discussion, agencies would be required to give unions
advance notice of all meetings with employees. It cannot
seriously be argued that such a result is within the contemplation
of the Statute.
The only new material that was even arguably introduced were
revised versions of the supply room and linen inventory forms. The
revised supply room form (Respondent's Ex. 2) differs from the
previous form (General Counsel's Ex. 2) only in that the revised
form is aligned down the long ends of the paper, that it no longer
requires the inventory of "HOT COCO" and that it contains the
number of each item that should be kept on hand. Neither the
contents of these forms nor the evidence presented at the hearing
suggests that the use of the new supply room inventory form has any
appreciable impact on members of the bargaining unit. Additionally,
employees sometimes still use the old inventory forms.
The original linen inventory form (Respondent's Ex. 3) differs from the revised version (Respondent's Ex. 1) in that the revised form is aligned down the long ends of the paper and, unlike the original, only lists linens by type (bath towel, hand towel, etc.) rather than also by color.
In fact, the revised form appears to be easier to use. In any
event, there has been no evidence that the change in this form
resulted in a change in how bargaining unit employees were required
to perform their duties.
In view of the foregoing, I have concluded that the meeting of
March 12, 2001, was not a formal discussion within the meaning of
the Statute. Therefore, pursuant to §2423.34 of the Rules and
Regulations of the Federal Labor Relations Authority, I recommend
that the Authority issue the following order:
IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the Complaint be, and hereby is, dismissed.
Issued, Washington, DC, April 3, 2002.
Administrative Law Judge
1. The General Counsel alleges that the new inventory procedure was introduced at the March 5 meeting and was discontinued "a few days" after the filing of the unfair labor practice charge on March 12. The only changes allegedly introduced at the March 12 meetings were two inventory forms.