
U.S. Federal Labor Relations Authority

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Bargaining Under Title 5

Event Date: 
Monday, November 4, 2024 - 11:00am
Event Location: 

Virtual from 11:00am until 4:00pm EST.  1 hour lunch break included.

This training covers bargaining under 7116(a)(5) and (b)(5).  Topics addressed include matters that are within the Scope of Bargaining, the Duty to Bargain (meaning when bargaining occurs -Term, Mid-Term and Change), Defenses to the Duty to bargain (Covered-by and Waivers), good and bad faith bargaining and bargaining remedies.  

FLRA Component / Office: 
Contact Name: 
Rose Saddler
Contact Phone Number: 
(771) 444-5791/rsaddler@flra.gov