FLRA Revised Regulations In Effect

On November 9, 2009, key technical amendments to the FLRA’s Regulations took effect.  These technical revisions are set forth in the following parts of 5 C.F.R.:  2415 (employee responsibilities and conduct); 2416 (enforcement of nondiscrimination based on disability in providing access to FLRA programs); 2424 (negotiability proceedings); and 2429 (general procedural requirements). 

Of particular significance are the revisions made to 5 C.F.R. part 2429 that are amended to treat filing or service of documents by commercial delivery in the same way as filing or service by U.S. Mail.  The FLRA eliminated the difference between the two types of filings because it had been confusing to parties and resulted in several untimely filings.  The revision makes it easier for parties and the FLRA to determine timeliness.  The FLRA also reduced the number of copies that must be filed in a proceeding before the Authority (in addition to the original) from five (5) to four (4).  Finally, the Office of Administrative Law Judges and the Authority now require tables of contents in filings exceeding ten double-spaced pages.  As a result of the latter change, which applies in all case types, the existing requirement that had applied only to negotiability filings, is deleted.