Case No. SF-CA-20980
S. Kent Sullivan, Esq.
For the Respondent
John R. Pannozzo, Jr. Esq.
For the General Counsel
Before: ELI NASH, JR.
Administrative Law Judge
The American Federation of Government Employees, Local 1159,
AFL-CIO (hereinafter called the Union) filed an unfair labor
practice charge on September 30, 1992, and a First Amended Charge
on January 20, 1993, against the Department of Veterans Affairs
Regional Office (herein- after called Respondent).(1) Thereafter, on January 20, 1993, the San
Francisco Regional Director, Federal Labor Relations Authority
(hereinafter called Authority) issued a Complaint and Notice of
Hearing alleging that Respondent violated section 7116(a)(1), (5)
and (8), of the Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute,
as amended, (hereinafter called the Statute) by failing to furnish
the Union a copy of the Unit 211b leave record log and/or time
cards showing the leave taken by a certain bargaining unit employee
from July 1, 1991 to October 31, 1991.(2)
A hearing was held in San Francisco, California at which all
parties were afforded full opportunity to adduce evidence, call,
examine and cross-examine witnesses and argue orally. Briefs were
filed by Respondent and the General Counsel and have been carefully
Upon the entire record in this matter, my observation of the witnesses and their demeanor and from my evaluation of the evidence I make the following:
Allen W. Thayer is a Veterans Claims Examiner (hereinafter
called adjudicator) at Respondent's facility. On November 6, 1991,
Thayer was placed on a ninety (90) day Performance Improvement
Plan, his within grade increase was withheld. Thayer's anniversary
date for a within grade increase was November 17, 1991. However,
Thayer's performance during the period from July 1, 1991 through
October 31, 1991, in the critical element of Workload Management
had been Unacceptable. In this regard, Thayer failed to meet
production requirements for this particular element during this
four month period. The end products Thayer achieved per hour
statistics for the four month period were: July 1991 - 0.80; August
1991 - 1.03; September 1991 - 0.95 and October 1991 - 1.76.
The standard for Journeyman Adjudicators to attain a Fully
Successful rating is 1.50 end products per hours.
An adjudicator determines whether veterans or other applicants
are eligible for monetary benefits and prepares an award or
disallowance of an award for approval by an authorizer (hereinafter
called authorizer), who is also called a Senior Veterans Claims
Examiner. If the action is correct, it is approved by the
authorizer, and if the action is not acceptable, it is returned by
the authorizer to the adjudicator with instructions for correction.
The adjudicator prepares award or disallowance of award letters on
a Honeywell word processor, affixes the letter to the applicant's
file or to the action document and forwards that documentation to
an authorizer for his authorization or disauthorization. Joseph Day
served as Thayer's authorizer from July 1, 1991 through October 4,
1991. To avoid con- fusion, it must be noted that the authorizer
has no supervisory authority or any input into an adjudicator's
within grade increase.
On November 20, 1991, Thayer requested a reconsideration of the
decision to withhold his within grade increase, based upon a number
of mitigating circumstances involving authorizer Day.(3) Namely, that Day had taken sick leave,
annual leave and had served on jury duty for a significant period
of time from July 1, 1991 through October 1, 1991. Thayer's
reconsideration letter further stated that Day's absences resulted
in a large backlog of cases to authorize. These backlogged cases
took as much as three and one-half weeks for Day to return to
Thayer, often with only minor changes to the award which resulted
in a complete retyping of the award or disallowance of award
letter. Thayer felt that the increased backlog placed additional
pressure on Day, thereby causing him to return cases for
insignificant reasons which involved only minor differences in
writing style.
On December 5, 1991, Respondent's Assistant Director John C.
Spangler denied Thayer's reconsideration request. Union Steward
Denise Wilson, filed a first step grievance on January 6, 1992,
concerning the withholding of Thayer's within grade increase, which
was dated on November 17, 1991. The first step grievance noted, in
part, that Day's heavy workload was "frequently unrelieved" while
he was out of the office on leave.
Subsequently, Thayer's within grade increase was approved by
Respondent on January 12, 1992, the beginning date of the first pay
period following the three month review period. The approved within
grade increase was not made retroactive to Thayer's November 17,
1991 anniversary date. Respondent's Section Chief Harold Pearman
denied the first step grievance and its request for retroactive
approval of Thayer's within grade increase stating specifically
that mitigation of Thayer's failure to achieve the production
standard prior to October 1, 1991, was not supported.
On January 28, 1992, Wilson, filed a second step grievance and
information request on Thayer's behalf. One of the documents
requested was a copy of the Unit 211b Leave Record Log and/or the
actual time cards of Day for the period July 1, 1991 through
October 31, 1991. Around March 12, 1992, Wilson, again requested a
copy of the Union 211b Leave Record Log and/or the actual time
cards of Day for the period July 1, 1991 through October 31,
Wilson testified that the records were requested because Thayer
had alleged, in part, that Day's frequent absences from Unit 211b
on sick and annual leave was a significant mitigat- ing factor in
Thayer's failure to meet his own production standards during the
period, thereby delaying his within grade increase. It was further
noted that Day's leave records could establish that he was absent
from Unit 211b for the following reason:
an excessive amount of time during this period, and provide
evidence that his authorization workload was 'backed up' to the
extent that he could not handle Mr. Thayer's authorization cases in
a routine and efficient manner.
Furthermore, Wilson made it clear that the records requested for Day were job related, pertained to the performance of his duties and had nothing to do with his personal life.
On March 27, 1992, Respondent's Staff Attorney Barbara Ann
Konno, forwarded an advice memorandum to Respondent's Personnel
Officer Lewis F. Celli, which denied the Charging Party's January
28, 1992 and March 12, 1992 information requests. Konno's
memorandum cited Privacy Act and Freedom of Information Act
concerns in concluding that the requested information was "neither
necessary nor relevant. . . ."
Thereafter, April 1, 1992, Respondent, through Adjudication
Officer Verrill, denied the Charging Party's March 12, 1992
information request.(4)
Thayer testified that during the Summer of 1991, the Honeywell
word processor at his work station only had storage capacity for
ten letters. Thayer stated that there were three authorizers in
Unit 211b during the July 1, 1991 through October 31, 1991
timeframe, but he worked exclusively for Day. Thayer estimated that
during this sixteen week period, Day took between three to four
weeks of annual leave, one to two weeks of sick leave and one to
two weeks of jury duty.
At the time that Day's case count became most acute, there was
very little attention given to Day's cases by the other
authorizers, since they too were off on leave. Generally, the
average amount of pending casework that an authorizer has at any
particular time is confined to one cabinet consisting of four
storage shelves. The top shelf is reserved for incoming, unscreened
cases that require authorization, including retire pay matters that
are subject to certain deadlines. At some point, after Day returned
from leave, Day commandeered a second cabinet for the purpose of
maintaining the pending authorization casework at this work
station. Day's pending authorization casework completely filled
both cabinets and, at various points, pending cases were on the
floor or on a cart.
The other authorizers also took annual leave during the Summer
of 1991. During Day's absences, Unit Chief Larry Brewer did not
assist in distributing Day's pending cases to other authorizers in
those situations when the cases backed up. Brewer, during this
timeframe, conducted quality improve- ment training and was
involved with litigation concerning a termination action. Thayer
informed Wilson about Day's excessive absences prior to the
submission of the information requests.
The Unit 211b Leave Record Log, kept by Brewer on a daily
basis, in a two-drawer file cabinet, information regarding the date
of leave usage, the type of leave usage (annual, sick etc.) and a
leave balance. The Unit 211b Leave Record Log would not specify the
reason(s) why the leave was taken by the employee, that information
would be contained in the Remarks sections on the Standard Form 71.
The front side of the SF 71 contains a Remarks section which
permits an employee to explain the reason(s) why he/she wishes to
take the annual, sick or leave without pay. The reverse of the SF
71 also contains a Remarks section which permits an employee to
provide specific information concerning his/her sickness,
on-the-job injury or off-the-job injury. The Union did not request
Day's SF 71 nor was it concerned about the reasons for Day's leave
requests. Day testified that he did not want the requested leave
records furnished to the Charging Party based on privacy
Time cards are prepared from information contained on the
employee time sheets. The information is transcribed to the time
cards in Unit 211b by another adjudicator or by a claims clerk. The
employees complete the time sheets on a daily basis and the time
cards are also kept in Brewer's two-drawer file cabinet. The time
sheet contains the employee's signature and his/her time in and out
of work. The actual time cards would indicate how much leave was
used by Day on a bi-weekly basis, the type of leave usage, the date
of leave usage and the leave balance. The Union was not concerned
with the reasons why Day took annual and sick leave.
Thayer also testified that his production performance was negatively impacted upon by Day's excessive absences from work. Specifically, Thayer says that because the cases became old he encountered the following problems occurred: he had to refresh his recollection of the facts, familiarize himself with the case and he required additional time to recompose the award/disallowance of award letter since that letter had been deleted from the ten-document Honeywell word processing file. Pearman testified that Respondent has always used Honeywell equipment. However, at some unspecified date, a Wang system was installed at the work place which caused additional problems for all employees. Thayer shared these concerns with Wilson. In addition, interim rate changes would result in the redrafting of an award paragraph.
Typically, it would take twice as long to redraft an
award/disallowance of award letter based on Day's excessive
absences. However, it is a dependency project case with a number of
award lines were returned to Thayer, it could take an additional
thirty minutes to an hour in order to complete an award letter.
Moreover, the award/disallowance of award letters concerning
retirement pay cases had to be recomposed.
As a result of Day's excessive absences, at one time, there was
a three and one-half week backlog of cases and hundreds of cases
remained at Day's work station for weeks at a time. Further, Thayer
felt that Day, because of the pressures that he was experiencing to
get the work off his desk, began making erroneous disauthorizations
and disauthorizing cases for minor reasons. Thayer was unable to
devote his attention to other matters when Day returned cases to
his desk. Moreover, Thayer's production statistics were adversely
affected since he would not receive credit for work performed that
Wilson testified that the adjudicator is responsible for
initially preparing the claim, drafting the letter and determining
the applicable rate. The adjudicator receives production credit for
an award once it is approved and the authorizer inputs a particular
code into the computer. An authorizer is required to make a
decision concerning a case within six days.
In addition, Wilson asserted that she requested the leave
information based on Thayer's representations that Day's excessive
absences had adversely affected his ability to meet his production
standards. In addressing the interrelationship between Articles 32
and 33 of the Master Agreement, Wilson stated that Thayer needed to
demonstrate an "acceptable level of competence," per Article 33, §
1B.1. of the Master Agreement, in order to receive his within grade
increase. Wilson also noted that the instructions for completing
the performance appraisal and determining whether Thayer met
threshold "acceptable level of competence" requirement were
contained in Article 32 of the Master Agreement. Article 32, §6D of
the Master Agreement permitted rating officials to consider
job-related mitigating circumstances, such as Day's alleged
excessive absences, that were "beyond the control of the employee"
before issuing a final appraisal.
The adjudicator Workload Management Statistics indicate that
during the months of July, August and September 1991, Thayer worked
exclusive with Day. The Senior adjudicator Monthly Statistical
Report indicates that Day's production for the months of July
(133), August (183) and October 1991 (153) was extremely low when
compared with the other authorizers. The Division Averages for the
same three month period were 368, 376 and 435, respectively. The
Union believed that Day's excessive absences from work could have
been the reason for this monthly production during this four month
The Union believed that Day's excessive absences from work
could have caused a corresponding drop in production for Thayer and
adjudicator Roger Baldwin, who was also assigned to Day. Wilson
testified that a unit assignment sheet, which was issued to her by
the unit chief during that period, indicated that authorizer Day
was responsible for authorization digits 42 through 49, adjudicator
Baldwin for digits 42 through 46 and adjudicator Thayer for digits
46 to 49.(5) Baldwin's production
for the months of July (1.25), August (1.34) and September 1991
(1.14), like Thayer's, was also below the 1.50 end product per hour
production requirement. In October 1991, Thayer's (1.76) and
Baldwin's (2.37) end product per hour production exceeded the 1.50
Pearman said that based on Thayer's adjudicator Monthly
Statistical Report for the months of May through October 1991,
Thayer's 1.1 end product per hour production did not entitle him to
a within grade increase. According to Pearman, Thayer was not
producing at an acceptable level of competence and there were no
mitigating circumstances that excused this performance. Pearman
also speculated that Day's poor pro- ductivity could have been the
by-product of an insufficient volume of work being generated by his
adjudicators. Pearman admitted however, that adjudicator Marge
Highshaw exceeded her production by twenty-five percent from May
1991 through January 1992.
There is no denial that Thayer's performance improved once he
stopped working for Day, that Baldwin's production was below the
1.50 standard for the three months that he worked with Day and that
Day's production was below his standard. Pearman also noted that
the Union, upon seeing that Day's workload was far below that of
other authorizers, could legitimately pursue the reason(s) why
Day's production and workload figures were so far below the
average. Pearman was unable to explain Day's poor production and
acknowledged that the low production figures raised legitimate
Pearman also recognized that upon seeing these production
statistics, the Union might need to resolve the issue of Day's
alleged excessive absences before they continued to process
Thayer's grievance. Furthermore, Pearman allowed that a reasonable
person, upon seeing Day's poor production and workload statistics,
might need to determine whether Day's absences affected Thayer's
productivity. It further seems that Pearman does recognize that
Day's low production figures could be based on his absences from
the worksite for part of or all of the period in question. Thus,
Respondent, by furnishing the requested leave data, might enable
the Union to resolve the issue of whether Day's absences affected
Thayer's productivity.
While Pearman acknowledged that if it takes an adjudicator a
long period of time to prepare a case, that adjudicator will
complete fewer cases, and this in turn, negatively affects his
production. Generally, the longer the case is kept by an
authorizer, the longer it takes for an adjudicator to reacquaint
himself with the case. An adjudicator would also require additional
time to recompose a letter that is no longer stored in the word
processor, and the additional time that is needed to recompose that
letter could have a negative impact on his productivity. Pearman
acknowledged that the length of time taken by Day to return a case
to Thayer could have affected Thayer's production.
Pearman does not deny that after reviewing Thayer's authorized
and disauthorized production figures, Thayer was very close to
meeting the production standard for the six month period preceding
the denial of the within grade increase, including the months of
August and September 1991. Thayer exceeded the 1.50 end product per
hour standard by twenty-five percent in October 1991.
In regard to Thayer's production figures for the month of
September 1991, Thayer received credit for 130 cases, had 60 cases
returned and 11 of those 60 cases contained substantive or material
errors. For those cases which con- tained substantive or material
errors, it would take Thayer a long period of time to reacquaint
himself with the matter, and even longer, if a substantial period
of time had passed since the case was submitted for authorization.
While reacquainting himself with these returned cases, Thayer is
unable to adjudicate other matters thereby adversely affecting his
Pearman did not know, based on Thayer's production statistics,
how long it took Day to return those 60 cases nor the reasons why
those matters were returned to Thayer. Pearman's testimony
concerning Thayer was based solely on the production numbers,
Pearman did not focus on outside factors which could have impacted
upon Thayer's performance. However, if an authorizer were absent
for an excessive period of time, Pearman would consider that to be
a job-related factor which was beyond the control of the employee
per Article 32, § 6D. of the Master Agreement.
A. Positions of the Parties
While Respondent recognizes the duty to provide information
that would enable an exclusive representative to process a
grievance or to determine whether to file a grievance, it argues in
this particular case that the Union did not demonstrate a
"particularized need for the information." Its recurring theme
seems to be that a limitation exists that requires the exclusive
representative to show "a reasonable basis based on objective
facts", NLRB v. George Koch Sons, Inc., 950
F.2d 1324, 1332 (7th Cir. 1991). Respond- dent argues, that all
things considered, the Union in this case had sufficient data to
determine that Thayer simply did not submit enough work to meet his
production standard for the period in question. Based on that fact,
it maintains that the presence of the authorizer could not have
affected Thayer's production. Additionally, Respondent urges that
any evidence of mitigating circumstances involving an authorizer's
attendance record would not help Thayer explain his failure to meet
the production required. Finally, Respondent raised Privacy Act and
Freedom of Information issues in the case.
The General Counsel takes the position that the requested
information was necessary for the Union to fulfill its
representational responsibilities in processing Thayer's grievance
and that the productivity statistics for Thayer, Day and Baldwin,
along with Day's work practices as told to the Union by Thayer
could indeed raise legitimate concerns with the Union as to whether
Day's absences were the cause of Thayer's poor production
statistics. Its argument is, in essence, that the Union had an
obligation to address all of the factors that might have affected
Thayer's production statistics and furthermore, the requested
information would have assisted the Union in determining whether to
pursue Thayer's grievance to the second step of the grievance
Respondent admitted in its answer that the requested
information is normally maintained by it in the regular course of
business and, further that the requested information did not
constitute guidance, advice, counsel, or training provided for
management officials or supervisors, relating to collective
bargaining. Moreover, there is no record evidence requiring a
conclusion to the contrary. In these circumstances, there is no
real issue concerning availability of and Respondent's maintaining
the requested data or that the information was intramanagement
information. Accordingly, it is found that the information
requested is normally maintained in the regular course of business
and that it does not constitute management guidance, advice,
counsel or training related to collective bargaining under section
7114(b)(4) of the Statute.
B. Was the requested information necessary for the Union to perform its representational responsibilities?
The investigation, evaluation and processing of potential grievances is undoubtedly a significant part of the exclusive representatives responsibility. The Authority has acknowledged that significance and consistently held that under section 7114(b)(4) of the Statute, the exclusive representative has a right to information that is necessary to enable it to fulfill its representational functions, including data which assists in resolving potential grievances. Internal Revenue Service, 40 FLRA 1070 (1991); Immigration and Naturalization Service, Border Patrol,El Paso, Texas, 37 FLRA 1310 (1990); Air Force Logistics Command, Sacramento Air Logistics Center, McClellan Air Force Base, California, 37 FLRA 987 (1990). Furthermore, it is clear that an exclusive representative is entitled to information under the Statute to realistically assess the strengths or weaknesses of a potential grievant's position. See Federal Aviation Administration, National Aviation Support Facility, Atlantic City Airport, New Jersey, 43 FLRA 191 (1991).
Respondent's argument that the Union made no showing of a
"particularized need" for the information before hearing
notwithstanding, it is my view that the Union's need for the
information requested is clearly established on the record as one
which would aid it in fulfilling its representational duties. While
the Authority has definitely approved application of the
"particularized need" test in information cases where the primary
issue is whether the requested information constituted "management
advice, guidance, counsel, or train- ing. . ." and, therefore is
normally not discoverable under section 7114(b)(4) of the Statute,
it has not to date applied such a demanding test to documents that
are not strictly "intramanagement". National Park
Service, National Capital Region, United States Park Police,
48 FLRA No. 1151 (1993). Thus, the instant matter is not governed
by the more exacting test for "intramanagement" materials, but
falls under those cases where the requested information was found
necessary because the exclusive representative needed the
information in order to fulfill its representational functions.
The record reveals that the information in this case was
necessary and relevant to realistically assess the strengths or
weaknesses of Thayer's requested reconsideration of the decision to
withold his within grade increase, based upon a number of
mitigating factors involving authorizer Day. There is no question
that the Union knew that Thayer's productivity did not meet
production standards but, based on Thayer's representation that
there were mitigating factors as to this failure it sought to find
out, why. Seeking to assemble all the information surrounding those
mitigating circumstances seems, in my view, a reasonable way to
approach this problem. Put another way, in order to fulfill its
representational functions, the exclusive representative had an
affirmative responsibility to examine the mitigating factors
surrounding the denial of the within grade, and gathering any
information which could shed light on whether there was any
supportable claim of mitigation, would be a part of that
responsibility. Accordingly, it is found that the information was
necessary for the purpose of fulfilling its functions.
Moving on to Respondent's argument that the Union had
sufficient data to determine that Thayer simply did not submit
enough work to meet his production standard. Respondent certainly
makes a case on the withholding of the within grade which might
work well before an arbitrator, but is of little value in this
information case, where the merits of Thayer's case is not before
the Authority. The only question to be determined by this forum is
whether or not the requested data was necessary for the Union to
realistically assess the strengths or weaknesses of Thayer's claim,
allowing it to make a reasonable decision whether it should proceed
with his grievance. In this regard, it is not sufficient for
Respondent to make a one-sided determination that the exclusive
representative has all the data it needs to perform its
representational role. That decision it seems is one that must be
made by the exclusive representative and where it can reasonably
support the need, it should not be denied relevant information,
even where an agency feels that the information is unnecessary.
With this foundation, Respondent's own argument seems to turn
against it, for the very language of Koch,
supra, that "a reasonable basis based on
objective facts", can certainly be read to mean that, if the
exclusive representative here, faced with Thayer's claims needed
all of the objective facts to determine, for itself, whether there
might be mitigating factors for Thayer's lack of production and it,
therefore, was entitled to investigate all of the facts in its
independent assessment of Thayer's claim. Such being the case, it
is concluded and found that the requested information, in the
Union's opinion would have assisted it in determining whether Day's
frequent absences from Unit 211b on sick and annual leave was a
significant mitigating factor in Thayer's failure to meet his own
production standards during the period for which Thayer was denied
a within grade increase and, for precisely this reason, it was
necessary for section 7114(b)(4)(B) purposes since the Union could
have used the information to determine whether or not to proceed on
Thayer's claim.
C. Privacy Act and Freedom of Information
There is a balancing test to determine whether the Privacy Act
prohibits disclosure of information under section 7114(b)(4) of the
Statute. See, U.S.
Department of Transportation, Washington, D.C., 47 FLRA 110
(1993). Under that test a balance is struck between the employee's
right to privacy against the public interest in disclosure. One can
say with certainty that many individual employees will view
information such as sought in this case, as private and thus, feel
that the release of the information is an invasion of his or her
own privacy. Be that as it may, the exclusive representative's need
for the information should not be nullified or rendered any less
important simply because of individual concerns. This is
particularly true, where as here, the exclusive representative is
representing an employee who is questioning the efficacy of a
performance rating. Clearly, early resolution of such grievances or
potential grievances where the public interest is involved points
toward a finding that the information should be made avail-able in
unsanitized form. Thus, release of requested data in unsanitized
form has already been ordered despite the fact that the disclosure
might be viewed as an invasion of personal privacy by individual
employees. See U.S.
Department of Veterans Affairs, Regional Office, San Diego,
California 44 FLRA 312 (1992); Social
Security Administration and Social Security Administration Field
Operations Region II, 43 FLRA 164 (1991).
5 U.S.C. § 552a is the Privacy Act which regulates disclosure
of information in an agency record within a system of records
retrievable by reference to an individual's name or other personal
identifier. Such records are generally prohibited from disclosure
unless one of the specific Privacy Act exceptions under 5 U.S.C. §
552a(b) is applicable. Section 552a(b)(2) permits disclosure of
Privacy Act protected information to the extent such information is
required to be released under the Freedom of Information Act
(hereinafter called FOIA) provides that all records in the
possession of the federal government agencies must be disclosed
upon request unless subject to a specific FOIA exemption. Section
(b)(6) of the FOIA provides that information contained in personnel
files may be withheld if disclosure of the information would
constitute a "clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy."
See generally,
U.S. Department of the Navy, Portsmouth Naval
Shipyard, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, 37 FLRA 515 (1990),
enforcement denied sub nom., FLRA v. U.S. Department of the Navy, Portsmouth Naval
Shipyard, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, 941 F.2d 49 (1st
In making a determination as to whether requested information
falls within the (b)(6) exemption, it is necessary to balance the
competing interest of the employees' privacy against the public
interest in disclosure. Moreover, the public interest to be
examined when applying the balancing test required by exemption
(b)(6), is that embodied in the Statute.
Here, there are serious public interests favoring the
disclosure of the information in unsanitized form for there is
minimal intrusion into the employees' privacy interests. In this
case, the documents at issue which are arguably within the purview
of the Privacy Act are the leave records of one employee. Their
disclosure in unsanitized form appears essential to assist the
Union in evaluating the merits of a performance rating related
complaint and the processing of a grievance concerning performance.
The disclosure of the leave records of an employee alleged to have
affected the performance of the grievant certainly serves the
public interest since it aids the Union in monitoring the
administration of the performance appraisal system, investigating
and processing grievances and ensuring that employees are not
treated unfairly. See e.g., U.S. Department of Treasury,
Internal Revenue Service, Washington, D.C. and Internal Revenue
Service, Helena District, Montana, 39 FLRA 241 (1991).
Of particular note, Respondent has not articulated how, or in
what manner, the disclosure of the requested information would
constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of employees' privacy
interests to either the exclusive representative or to this forum.
Respondent, in fact, has never stated how dis- closure of the
information implicates any privacy interests of the affected
bargaining unit employee, or how the employee would be stigmatized
by the release of the data. Furthermore, there is no evidence in
the record or any reason to believe that the Union might ever
publicize or carelessly circulate the information. See, e.g., Internal Revenue Service, Omaha District, Omaha,
Nebraska, 25 FLRA 181 (1987).
The central purpose of FOIA is to ensure that the Government's
activities be opened to the sharp eye of public scrutiny.
U.S. Department of Justice v. Reporters
Committee, 109 S. Ct. 1468, 1482 (1989)(Reporters Committee). Additionally, official
information that sheds light on an agency's performance of its
statutory duties falls squarely within that statutory purpose. The
Union, without the leave records, would be unable to discern
whether the performance appraisal here could or should have been
subject to mitigating factors. Under these circumstances, it does
not appear that the balancing of the employees' privacy interests
against the exclusive representative's need for the information
would result in a "clearly unwarranted" invasion of personal
Having rejected all of Respondent's arguments in this matter,
it found that the release of the Unit 211b leave records of
employee Day is not prohibited by law, specifically the Privacy
Act. The release of such data is compatible with the Privacy Act
and is consistent with section 7114(b)(4) of the Statute.
Accordingly, it is found that Respondent's failure to provide the
above information constituted a violation of section 7116(a)(1),
(5) and (8) of the Statute.
Therefore, it is recommended that the Authority adopt the
Pursuant to section 2423.29 of the Federal Labor Relations
Authority's Rules and Regulations and section 7118 of the Statute,
it is hereby ordered that Veterans Administration Regional Office,
San Francisco, California, shall:
1. Cease and desist from:
(a) Failing and refusing to provide the exclusive
representative of its employees an unsanitized copy of the Unit
211b leave record log and/or time cards showing the leave taken by
a certain bargaining unit employee from July 1, 1991 to October 31,
1991 which is reasonably available and necessary for it to properly
perform its representational responsibilities in connection with a
(b) In any like or related manner interfering with,
restraining or coercing its employees in the exercise of rights
assured by the Statute.
2. Take the following affirmative action in order to effectuate
the purposes and policies of the Statute:
(a) Upon request, furnish the American Federation
of Government Employees, Local 1159, AFL-CIO, the exclusive
representative of its employees, an unsanitized copy of the Unit
211b leave record log and/or time cards showing the leave taken by
a certain bargaining unit employee from July 1, 1991 to October 31,
1991, which is reasonably available and necessary for it to
properly perform its representational responsibilities in
connection with a grievance.
(b) Post at its Veterans Administration Regional
Office, San Francisco, California copies of the attached Notice on
forms to be furnished by the Federal Labor Relations Authority.
Upon receipt of such forms, they shall be signed by the Regional
Director and shall be posted and maintained for 60 consecutive days
thereafter, in conspicuous places, including all bulletin boards
and other places where notices to employees are customarily posted.
Reasonable steps shall be taken to ensure that such notices are not
altered, defaced, or covered by any other material.
(c) Pursuant to section 2423.30 of the Authority's
Rules and Regulations, notify the Regional Director, San Francisco,
Regional Office, Federal Labor Relations Authority, in writing,
within 30 days from the date of this Order, as to what steps have
been taken to comply.
Issued, Washington, DC, January 12, 1995
Administrative Law Judges
WE WILL NOT fail and refuse to provide the American Federation of
Government Employees, Local 1159, AFL-CIO, the exclusive
representative of our employees, an unsanitized copy of the Unit
211b leave record log and/or time cards showing the leave taken by
a certain bargaining unit employee from July 1, 1991 to October 31,
1991, which is reasonably available and necessary for it to
properly perform its representational responsibilities in
connection with a grievance.
WE WILL NOT in any like or related manner interfere with, restrain
or coerce our employees in the exercise of rights assured by the
WE WILL, upon request, provide the American Federation of
Government Employees, Local 1159, AFL-CIO, the exclusive
representative of our employees, an unsanitized copy of the Unit
211b leave record log and/or time cards showing the leave taken by
a certain bargaining unit employee from July 1, 1991 to October 31,
1991, which is reasonably available and necessary for it to
properly perform its representational responsibilities in
connection with a grievance.
Date: _________________________ By: _________________________________
(Signature) (Title)
This Notice must remain posted for 60 consecutive days from the
date of posting and must not be altered, defaced or covered by any
other material.
If employees have any questions concerning this Notice or
compliance with any of its provisions, they may communicate
directly with the Regional Director of the Federal Labor Relations
Authority, San Francisco Regional Office, 901 Market Street, Suite
220, San Francisco, CA 94103-1791, and whose telephone number is:
(415) 744-4000.
1. It is noted that the official designation of the Respondent is now United States Department of Veterans Affairs Regional Office, FKA, Veterans Administration Regional Office, San Francisco, California.
2. The Complaint was amended at the hearing, deleting an allegation that Respondent did not furnish a copy of a performance appraisal for a bargaining unit employee.
3. The pertinent parts of the Master Agreement reveal the following:
Amended Article 32 (Performance Appraisal System), § 6D., as set forth in Supplement No. 1 to the Master Agreement, effective April 1, 1987, permits a supervisor to "make allowances for job related factors beyond the control of the employee" when completing an evaluation. Amended Article 33 (Within Grade Increases), § 1B.1., as set forth in Supplement No. 1 to the Master Agreement, states that an "employee will be considered to have attained an acceptable level of competence when he/she is currently performing at the fully successful level or better under the performance appraisal system, and such performance is documented by a rating of at least fully successful." Articles 32 and 33 of the Master Agreement described the requirements that had to be met in order for Thayer to receive his within grade increase.
4. The parties orally agreed to freeze the Thayer grievance at the second step of the grievance procedure pending the outcome of this unfair labor practice matter.
5. Pearman testified that Day also served as the authorizer for adjudicator Marge Highshaw. Highshaw's end product per hour averages were as follows: July (1.31), August (1.65), September (2.36) and October 1991 (3.28).