Case No. SA-CA-20469
Ms. Beth F. Eberle
For the Respondent
Lisa Miller, Esq.
For the General Counsel
James Max Humble-Sanchez
For the Charging Party
Before: ELI NASH, JR.
Administrative Law Judge
On September 30, 1992, the Regional Director of the San Francisco Region of the Federal Labor Relations Authority (herein called the Authority), pursuant to a charge filed May 14, 1992, by American Federation of Government Employees, Local 505, AFL-CIO (herein called the Union), issued a Complaint and Notice of Hearing alleging that the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service, Westminster Investigation Office, Westminster, California (herein called the Respondent), engaged in unfair labor practices within the meaning of section 7116(a)(1) and (5) of the Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute (herein called the Statute). The Complaint alleged that on or about November 21, 1991 Respondent changed conditions of employment for unit employees by changing an existing past practice for Respondent's employees by limiting their lunch period to 30 minutes without first notifying the Union and providing it with an opportunity to negotiate over the substance or the impact and implementation of the change.
A hearing on the Complaint was conducted in Los Angeles,
California at which all parties were afforded full opportunity to
adduce evidence, call, examine and cross-examine witnesses and
argue orally. The General Counsel filed a timely brief which has
been carefully considered. Respondent did not file a post hearing
Upon the entire record in this matter, my observation of the
witnesses and their demeanor and from my evaluation of the evidence
I make the following:
Respondent's facilities are located in an office building where
neither its offices nor the building itself offers hot food
services other than self help. Although Respondent's offices
contain a sink and a refrigerator, the microwave oven located in
the conference room was not provided by Respondent. The nearest hot
food service facilities are outside of the office building in the
community. In the outside range, it could take an employee ten to
fifteen minutes to travel by car for lunch. There are, however,
food services which are a lot closer to the office. Clearly, if an
employee would like a hot lunch which he or she did not bring into
the office from home, the employee must leave the office and travel
from a half block to three miles, requiring in some cases that they
contend with congested, noon-time traffic along the way.
Respondent's evidence that there are fast food restaurants and
other stores from which food can be purchased is not inconsistent
with the above. Thus, it is clear that employees do have a choice
of a full range of meals, but their selection, in some cases,
requires that the employee exceed the 30 minute limitation in issue
According to special agents Michael Gati and Ida Brazier,
employees normally work from approximately 6:00 a.m. to
approximately 2:30 p.m., with additional overtime, on a regular
basis, following their regular shifts. The record shows that these
special agents are criminal investigators who spend a portion of
their work days in field investigations. The issue involved here
centers around lunch breaks for the investigation staff when they
are in the office at lunch time. Prior to November 21,
1991,(1) lunch breaks for the
investi-gation staff were taken in a flexible band starting at
11:00 a.m. The employees scheduled their own lunch breaks
independently. There were no time limitations placed on employees'
lunch periods. The length of the lunch period varied from agent to
agent, lasting up to one hour. This practice went on routinely from
1988 through November 21, 1991, according to Gati. The record also
shows that Respondent through its supervisory personnel had
knowledge of this practice by Westminster employees. In fact, the
evidence disclosed that supervisors routinely accompanied unit
employees from Respondent's facilities on some of these lunch
breaks. Thus, Gati named supervisors Carol White, Bill Wildanger,
Nick Weyland, and three section chiefs as management officials who
accompanied unit employees on lunch breaks.
To counterbalance taking a lunch hour extending beyond 30 minutes, investigation staff employees either work through their two negotiated breaks, come in early, or stay late. Gati testified that employees sometimes did not take their 15 minute break periods and combine that with the lunch hour or on occasion he would come in early or leave later than his regular time, to compensate for the extra time spent at lunch. Brazier also stated that she made up time, either before or after the shift. For the sake of time-keeping expediency, employees did not reflect this flexibility in scheduling on their sign-in and sign-out sheets. Also, employees did not claim this extra time worked to make up for the long lunch as overtime. Finally, based on the record testimony there is little question that Respondent's supervisors were aware of the employees' time-keeping practices and acquiesced the practice for several years prior to the instant change.
On November 21, Respondent's employees each found a memorandum
from Robert Reed, the Supervisory Special Agent in charge of the
Westminster facility in their individual mail boxes at work. The
memorandum directed employees to there-after limit their lunch
breaks to no more than 30 minutes. The memorandum also stated, and
Reed testified at the hearing, that he had called the District
Office Labor Relations Department for guidance on this issue. Reed
further testified, that he was told by the District Office that no
bargaining was required on this change. Reed, who was recently
assigned as supervisory agent, from his testimony at the hearing,
appeared determined to create a strict environment in the
Westminster office, one where, employees worked an 8½ hour day with
a half hour for lunch.
Since November 21, Respondent has conscientiously enforced this
new 30 minute lunch break policy, including requiring two
employees, Gati and Janet Shanks, to take annual leave for the time
spent at lunch beyond 30 minutes. Although both Gati and Shanks
worked an extra 30 minutes that day, to make up for the extended
lunch break on the day that Reed directed them both to take, the 30
minutes of mandatory annual leave was never refunded to these two
Some 5 or 6 weeks before the November 21 memorandum issued, the
then Union President Brazier and Reed first broached the subject of
the 30 minute, strictly enforced lunch break. Reed told Brazier of
his plan, and she replied, at the time, that this was a subject on
which it would be appropriate to notify the Union and negotiate.
Brazier also told Reed that his proposal entailed a change in a
past practice. Reed, admittedly never notified the Union of this
change to the employees' lunch hours prior to implementation. As
previously noted, Reed called the District Office for advice and
was given instructions that no bargaining was required on the
initiation of the 30 minute lunch period in the Westminster office.
Reed stated as much in the November 21 memorandum.
Gati testified that the change in lunch break was the cause of
considerable inconvenience to employees. According to Gati, since
November 21, he must get his workday lunches at what he considers
to be lunch counters that are less than desirable to him. At times,
he must forego lunch entirely. He also testified that there are no
sit-down type cafeterias accessible and also useable within 30
The issue is whether Respondent violated section 7116(a)(1) and
(5) of the Statute when it unilaterally implemented a 30 minute
lunch break for unit employees, after a lengthy practice of
allowing employees to take up to one hour for lunch, at the
employee's discretion.
The evidence shows a longstanding practice at Re-spondent's
Westminster facility of investigation staff employees extending
their work days to accommodate extended lunch breaks. In
determining when a condition of employment exists under section
7103(a)(14) the test applied is whether there is a close
relationship between the entity and the work situation or
employment relationship. This record reveals that the lunch hour is
a scheduled break in the middle of the work day, and that actions
of employees associated with this midday break can result in loss
of leave. It also appears from the record that there is a close
relationship between work and the lunch break at the facility in
this case. Thus, the lunch break herein is a condition of
employment and, therefore, any changes regarding the lunch break at
the facility can be negotiated.(2)
Furthermore, the loss of leave, as suggested by the Union provides
a reasonably forseeable impact of this change.
Even though the timekeeper's records do not reflect the
flexible practice lunch break practice at issue here, testimony
from agents Gati and Brazier discloses a consistent and widespread
practice to notate the time-keeping records to reflect a
standardized attendance practice, not actual attendance. Also both
the practice of extending lunch breaks and the practice of
extending the workday were well known to Respondent, as
Respondent's managers and supervisors were involved on a routine
basis in this practice. Thus, there was an established past
practice regarding the condition of employment of investigation
staff employees extending their lunch periods, of which Respondent
had full knowledge and to which Respondent acquiesced. In the
circumstances, the condition of employment involved in this matter
could be altered only after providing to the Union notice and an
opportunity to bargain the substance and impact and implementation
of the change.(3) In this case,
Respondent, admittedly implemented the change as alleged in the
Complaint, and never notified or negotiated with the Union. This
approach to a negotiable subject, in my opinion, violates section
7116(a)(1) and (5) of the Statute.
Respondent relies on a Decision of the Comptroller General,
File B-190011, dated December 30, 1977 and an interpretation of 5
U.S.C. § 6001 contained therein. Respondent argues that extended
lunch breaks for employees are illegal.(4) Its position, apparently based in part,
on its reading of the Decision and on 5 U.S.C. § 6101 is a myopic
view apparently resulting from its own interpretation of the
Decision and from its disregard of Authority precedent. This much
is clear, since the Authority had already addressed the
applicability of decisions of the Comptroller General in matters
which come before it. Its view being, decisions of the Comptroller
General do not have binding force on the Authority. Besides, the
Authority has made it clear that in situations such as here, it is
required to evaluate independ-ently the application of 5 U.S.C. §
6101.(5) Prior to this matter, the
Authority had the opportunity to do just that, and held, contrary
to Respondent's argument that 5 U.S.C. § 6101 provides that "unless
the head of an agency determines that the agency would be seriously
handicapped in carrying out its functions or that costs would be
substantially increased", the head of the agency is free to
establish unpaid breaks of up to one hour duration.(6) Lunch is only one such break. Neither
testimony at the hearing nor Respondent's exhibits presented at
trial disclose any finding by the head of the Immigration and
Naturalization Service to the effect that employees in the
Westminster office taking up to one hour for their lunches and then
extending their workdays accordingly, seriously damages the agency
either monetarily or in achieving its functions. Thus, under the
test enunciated in VA, Newington,
supra, the one hour lunch break would be
negotiable and not as Respondent declares, illegal. As long as the
workday is extended equivalent to the extension of the lunch break,
and the employees complete the eight hours of work for which they
are paid, 5 U.S.C. § 6101 would not appear to be violated.
VA, Newington, supra; SSA, supra at 605.
Although the time-keeper's record in this case, do not actually
reflect employees extending their work days or skipping other
breaks to adjust their lunch break, the record as a whole, in my
view, supports such a finding. Thus, employees worked their paid
eight hours of work per day. As long as an agency establishes a
work schedule which includes five eight hour workdays in a workweek
and contains no breaks longer than one hour, its work schedule is
consistent with law and regulation, and therefore, not illegal.
VA, Newington, supra at 453. Here the workweek in place, because of a
longstanding past practice, prior to Respondent's implementation of
the unilateral change was in compliance with 5 U.S.C. § 6101, and
never, as Respondent alleges, illegal. Thus, Respondent's arguments
as to the illegality of the practice of extending lunch breaks are
not only lacking in merit, but also not binding on the forum with
jurisdiction over this unfair labor practice situation.
Assuming arguendo, that the Decision is
correct and of some value in resolving this matter, a close reading
shows a sensible approach, for it states that such breaks should be
scheduled "with the requirements of the reality of the situation in
mind." Furthermore, it states that 45 minutes to one hour is a
reasonable period in which to require employees to eat their
lunches. Decision, at 6. It does not require strict adherence the
30 minute lunch break unilaterally implemented in the Westminster
facility. The pliancy of the Decision is far removed from the
Spartanic view on breaks practiced, in this case, by the
Westminster office's leadership. Consequently, it is the view of
the undersigned that any arguments relying on the Comptroller
General's Decision as meaning that lunch breaks in excess of 30
minutes are illegal, must be rejected.
In light of the foregoing, it is found that Respondent violated
section 7116(a)(1) and (5) of the Statute by changing an existing
past practice for employees in its Westminster Investigation Office
by limiting employees' lunch break to no more than 30 minutes
without first notifying the Union and providing it the opportunity
to negotiate over the substance and the implementation of the
Accordingly, it is recommended that the Authority adopt the
Pursuant to section 2423.29 of the Federal Labor Relations
Authority's Rules and Regulations and section 7118 of the Statute,
the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service,
Westminster Investigation Office, Westminster, California,
1. Cease and desist from:
(a) Unilaterally changing the working conditions of our
employees by establishing a policy limiting the lunch break to 30
minutes, without first notifying the American Federation of
Government Employees, Local 505, AFL-CIO, the exclusive
representative of its employees and affording it an opportunity to
bargain regarding such change and the impact and implementation of
such change.
(b) In any like or related manner interfering with,
restraining or coercing its employees in the exercise of their
rights assured by the Federal Service Labor-Management Relations
2. Take the following affirmative action in order to effectuate
the purposes and policies of the Federal Service Labor-Management
Relations Statute:
(a) Rescind the policy implemented by memorandum on
November 21, 1991 and restore the prior practice of allowing our
employees up to one hour for their lunch break.
(b) Notify and, upon request, bargain forth the
American Federation of Government Employees, Local 505, AFL-CIO,
concerning any intended change in the length of the lunch
(c) Restore the 30 minutes annual leave to employees
Michael Gati and Janet Shanks which they were required to take as a
result of the November 21, 1991 policy regarding lunch breaks.
(d) Post at its facilities at United States Immigration
and Naturalization Service, Westminster Investigation Office,
Westminster, California copies of the attached Notice on forms to
be furnished by the Federal Labor Relations Authority. Upon receipt
of such forms, they shall be signed by the Director, District
Office and shall be posted and maintained for 60 consecutive days
thereafter, in conspicuous places including all bulletin boards and
other places where notices to employees are customarily posted.
Reasonable steps shall be taken to insure that such Notices are not
altered, defaced, or covered by any other material.
(e) Pursuant to Section 2423.30 of the Authority's
Rules and Regulations, notify the Regional Director of the San
Francisco Region, 901 Market Street, Suite 220, San Francisco, CA
94103, in writing, within 30 days from the date of this Order, as
to what steps have been taken to comply herewith.
Issued, Washington, DC, September 20, 1993
Administrative Law Judge
WE WILL NOT unilaterally change working conditions of unit
employees in the Westminster Investigations Office by estab-lishing
a policy limiting the lunch breaks to 30 minutes, without first
notifying the American Federation of Government Employees, Local
505, AFL-CIO, the exclusive representative of our employees, and
affording it an opportunity to bargain re-garding such change and
the impact and implementation of such change.
WE WILL NOT in any like or related manner interfere with,
re-strain, or coerce our employees in the exercise of the rights
guaranteed under the Federal Service Labor-Management Rela-tions
WE WILL rescind the policy implemented by memorandum dated November
21, 1991, and restore the prior practice of allowing Westminster
Office employees up to one hour for their lunch breaks.
WE WILL restore to employees Michael Gati and Janet Shanks the 30
minutes annual leave which they were required to take as a result
of the November 21, 1991 policy regarding lunch breaks.
WE WILL notify and, upon request, bargain with the American
Federation of Government Employees, Local 505, AFL-CIO con-cerning
any intended change in the length of the lunch breaks.
Date: ____________________ By: ______________________________
(Signature) (Title)
This Notice must remain posted for 60 consecutive days from the
date of posting and must not be altered, defaced or covered by any
other material.
If employees have any questions concerning this Notice or
compliance with any of its provisions, they may communicate
directly with the Regional Director of the Federal Labor Relations
Authority, San Francisco Region, 901 Market Street, Suite 220, San
Francisco, California 94103, and whose telephone number is: (415)
1. All dates are 1991 unless otherwise noted.
2. U.S. Army Reserve Components Personnel and Administration Center, St. Louis, Missouri, 19 FLRA 290 (1985) (U.S. Army Reserve), relying on Department of Commerce, National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service, Southeast Fisheries Center, Miami Laboratory, Florida, 5 FLRA 441 (1981) (Proposals 1, 2, and 3); see also, generally, Antilles Consolidated Education Association and Antilles Consolidated School System,
22 FLRA 235 (1986).
3. U.S. Army Reserve, supra at p. 292; U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Plum Island Animal Disease Center, 37 FLRA 1058 (1990).
4. Respondent also argued that it had attempted to provide lunch areas for employees and that some employees and supervisors ate lunch within the established 30 minute lunch break. Since it is clear that a longstanding practice existed of extending the lunch break at the Westminster office, which in my view, ripened into a condition of employment, I find it unnecessary to address these arguments as they in no way diminish the past practice.
5. Department of Health and Human Service, Social Security Administration, 25 FLRA 600 (1987).
6. Veterans Administration, Veterans Administration Medical Center, Newington, Connecticut, 37 FLRA 448, 451-452 (1990); Department of Health and Human Services, supra; Plum Island, supra at 1064.