Office of Administrative Law Judges
WASHINGTON, D.C. 20424-0001
December 12, 2007
The Federal Labor Relations Authority
Administrative Law Judge
Case No. BN-CA-06-0354
Charging Party
Pursuant to section 2423.34(b) of the Rules and
Regulations 5 C.F.R. '2423.34(b), I am hereby transferring the
above case to the Authority. Enclosed are copies of my
Decision, the service sheet, and the transmittal form sent to
the parties. Also enclosed are the transcript, exhibits and
any briefs filed by the parties.
Office of Administrative Law Judges
WASHINGTON, D.C. 20424-0001
Case No. BN-CA-06-0354
Charging Party
The above-entitled case having been heard before the
undersigned Administrative Law Judge pursuant to the Statute
and the Rules and Regulations of the Authority, the
undersigned herein serves his Decision, a copy of which is
attached hereto, on all parties to the proceeding on this date
and this case is hereby transferred to the Federal Labor
Relations Authority pursuant to 5 C.F.R. '2423.34(b).
PLEASE BE ADVISED that the filing of exceptions to the
attached Decision is governed by 5 C.F.R. ''2423.40-41,
2429.12, 2429.21-2429.22, 2429.24-2429.25, and 2429.27.
Any such exceptions must be filed on or before
JANUARY 14, 2008, and addressed to:
Office of Case Control
Federal Labor Relations Authority
1400 K Street, NW, 2nd Floor
Washington, DC 20424-0001
Administrative Law Judge
December 12, 2007
Washington, DC
OALJ 08-06
Office of Administrative Law Judges
Case No. BN-CA-06-0354
Charging Party
Philip T. Roberts, Esquire
For the General Counsel
Kimberly M. Jacobs, Esquire
For the Respondent
Administrative Law Judge
Statement of the Case
This case arises out of an unfair labor practice charge
dated June 16, 2006 (GC Ex. 1(a)), filed by the National
Association of Government Employees (NAGE) against the
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). On September 10, 2007,
the Regional Director of the Boston Region of the Federal
Labor Relations Authority (Authority) issued a Complaint and
Notice of Hearing (GC Ex. 1(c)) in which it was alleged that
the VA Connecticut Healthcare System, Newington, Connecticut
(Respondent) committed an unfair labor practice in violation
of §7116(a)(1) and (5) of the Federal Service Labor-Management
Relations Statute (Statute) by repudiating a provision of the
master collective bargaining agreement between the VA and
NAGE. It was further alleged that the Respondent's repudiation occurred by virtue of its refusal to form a facility
level Training and Career Development Committee. NAGE,
- 2 Local R1-109 (Union) was named as the agent of NAGE for the
purpose of representing a collective bargaining unit of the
Respondent's employees at its Newington facility. The
Respondent filed a timely Answer (GC Ex. 1(i)) in which it
raised certain affirmative defenses and denied that it had
committed the unfair labor practice as alleged.
A hearing was held in Hartford, Connecticut on
October 23, 2007. The parties were present with counsel and
were afforded the opportunity to present evidence and to
cross-examine witnesses. This Decision is based upon
consideration of the evidence and of the post-hearing briefs
submitted by the parties.
Positions of the Parties
General Counsel
The General Counsel maintains that Article 19,
Section 2A of the Master Agreement between the VA and NAGE
(Joint Ex. 1, p. 64) obligates the Respondent to form a
Training and Career Development Committee (Training Committee)
solely for the bargaining unit represented by the Union.
Instead, the Respondent formed a Training Committee which
included, in addition to the Union, representatives of two
other bargaining units of the Respondent's employees at its
Hartford and Newington facilities. The General Counsel
further alleges that the Respondent's breach of the Master
Agreement was clear and patent. Furthermore, the Training
Committee is the sole venue for addressing training issues
other than the grievance procedure and is, therefore, at the
heart of the Master Agreement.
The General Counsel denies that the Union's unfair labor
practice charge was untimely filed. The Union was entitled to
accept the Respondent's assurances that it would create the
Training Committee in accordance with the Master Agreement.
Regardless of the composition of the Training Committee, the
Respondent was not justified in significantly delaying the
formation of any such committee.
The General Counsel also denies that the unfair labor
practice charge is barred under §7116(d) of the Statute. The
prior grievance by the Union arose out of the Respondent's
alleged breach of Article 19, Section 2A of the Master
Agreement; the grievance did not raise the additional issues
which are elements of the charge of repudiation. Therefore,
the issues in the instant case are not substantially similar
to those of the grievance.
- 3 Respondent
The Respondent maintains that its Hartford and Newington
campuses have been integrated and that they constitute a
single "facility" within the meaning of the Master Agreement.
Accordingly, it did not breach the Master Agreement when it
formed a single Training Committee which includes representatives of all three of the bargaining units, including the unit
represented by the Union, at West Haven and Newington. The
Respondent's formation of a single Training Committee is
consistent with the practice at other VA facilities with
multiple bargaining units. Alternatively, the Respondent
maintains that any breach of the Master Agreement was not
clear and patent.
The Respondent denies that the Training Committee carries
out collective bargaining and maintains that Article 10,
Section 5 of the Master Agreement (Joint Ex. 1, p. 24) has
specific language which provides for mid-term bargaining.
Therefore, its refusal to form a separate Training Committee
for the Union relates to a subject that is covered by an
existing collective bargaining agreement.
The Respondent argues that the Authority lacks jurisdiction in this case in view of the fact that, on October 7,
2005, the Union initiated a grievance over the Respondent's
alleged violation of Article 19, Section 2A of the Master
Agreement. Accordingly, the Complaint should be dismissed
pursuant to §7116(d) of the Statute. The Respondent also
maintains that the Complaint should be dismissed pursuant to
§7118(a)(4) of the Statute because the underlying unfair labor
practice charge was untimely filed.
Findings of Fact
The Respondent is an agency within the meaning of
§7103(a)(3) of the Statute. NAGE is a labor organization as
defined in §7103(a)(4) of the Statute. The Union is the agent
of NAGE for representing bargaining unit employees who are
assigned to the Respondent's Newington medical center. At all
times pertinent to this case the VA and NAGE were parties to a
Master Agreement (Joint Ex. 1) which went into effect on
November 28, 2003. The Respondent and the Union were parties
to a Supplemental Labor-Management Agreement (Supplemental
Agreement) (Joint Ex. 2) which went into effect on April 25,
- 4 1983, and which covered bargaining unit employees assigned
the Newington Medical Center. 1/
The Respondent consists of medical centers at Newington
and West Haven as well as several community-based outpatient
clinics, a regional office and a veterans benefits facility;
the Newington and West Haven campuses were consolidated around
1995. In addition to the Union, which represents
nonprofessional employees at Newington, the Respondent also
bargains with two locals of the American Federation of
Government Employees (AFGE). One of the AFGE locals
represents professional employees at both Newington and West
Haven, while the other AFGE local represents nonprofessional
employees, including those at the veterans benefits office and
the community-based outpatient clinics (Tr. 20, 21).
Contractual Language
Article 19 of the Master Agreement, entitled "TRAINING
AND CAREER DEVELOPMENT", states, in pertinent part:
Section 2 - Local Training Committees
There shall be a facility level Training and
Career Development Committee which will be
authorized to reach joint agreements, and make
joint recommendations regarding training and
career development programs.
The number of Local representatives on the
Training Committee is a subject for local
bargaining. . . .
(Joint Ex. 1, p. 64)
Article 10 of the Master Agreement, entitled "NATIONAL
pertinent part:
Part B:
Midterm Bargaining
Section 1 - Definitions
Mid-term bargaining is defined as all negotiations,
including Local, Union, Department or Management
1/ Although the initial terms of the Master and local
agreements have expired, the parties have agreed to extend
them for another term (Tr. 21).
- 5 initiated, which occur during the duration of this
Agreement, concerning changes to conditions of
employment not covered by the terms of this
Agreement. Nothing shall preclude the Parties from
negotiating procedures and appropriate arrangements
which management officials will observe in
exercising any rights under 5 USC § 7106.
. . .
Section 5 - Local Level Bargaining
Management shall notify the Local in writing
prior to the planned implementation of proposed
changes that affect conditions of employment and
shall simultaneously provide copies of documents
relied upon for the proposed changes. The
method of notification, whether electronic or
other, will be a subject for local negotiations.
. . .
Nothing in this section restricts the Local from
initiating local mid-term bargaining over issues
not contained in published facility policies or
covered by this Agreement. . . .
(Joint Ex. 1, pp. 20, 21, 24)
states, in pertinent part:
Section 1 - General
Contract provisions contained in Local
Contracts/Supplements in existence prior to the
Master Agreement will continue in effect, provided
they do not conflict with the Master Agreement.
Whenever any subject is addressed in the Master
Agreement, the terms of the Master Agreement shall
prevail over the provisions of the Local agreement
concerning the same subject. Recognizing that the
Master Agreement cannot cover all aspects or provide
definitive language for local adaptability on each
subject addressed, it is understood that Local
Supplemental Agreements may include substantive
bargaining on all subjects covered in the Master
Agreement provided they do not conflict, interfere
with, or impair implementation of the Master
- 6 Agreement. Supplemental Agreements must be approved
pursuant to statute.
Section 2 - Procedures for Local Supplemental
. . .
Negotiation for a Local Supplemental Agreement
will be conducted between Local and Management
representatives and the Agreement shall be
applicable only in such facilities represented
by the Local representatives who executed the
(Joint Ex. 1, p. 26)
The Controversy Over the Training Committee
By an e-mail message dated May 12, 2004 (GC Ex. 2), John
Valenti, the Union President, forwarded to Charles Lee, a
Labor Relations Specialist and chief negotiator for the
Respondent, a memorandum dated May 11, 2004 (GC Ex. 3)
containing the Union's proposals regarding tuition support.
The first of those proposals was that:
The Employer shall create a local facility
training and career development committee comprised
of three Labor and three Management representatives
(see NAGE Master Contract Article 19)[.]
Lee eventually responded to Valenti by an e-mail message
dated August 23, 2004 (GC Ex. 5), in which he forwarded a
proposed policy regarding the Hospital Education Committee.
According to the proposed policy, the committee would be
composed of three representatives of the Respondent and
representatives of each of the three local unions, including
the Union, representing bargaining units at the Respondent's
Newington and West Haven campuses. Valenti replied on
September 9, 2004, by an e-mail message (GC Ex. 6) in which he
forwarded his message to Lee of August 23, 2004, and stated,
"I have already replied to this issue (below)". Lee and
Valenti subsequently exchanged messages (GC Ex. 7, 8) in which
the Respondent and the Union reiterated their respective
positions, which remained unchanged, regarding the composition
of the committee.
On December 20, 2004, Karen Waghorn, the Respondent's
Associate Director, sent an e-mail message to Valenti and
- 7 others announcing the formation of an Employee Support
Committee and a Steering Council. The stated purpose of the
Steering Council was to:
. . . develop the policy governing the committee
scope and practices, recommend membership, and
develop procedures for coordinating and scheduling
activities . . . .
Waghorn also proposed that the Steering Council:
. . . examine the purpose and function of the
following committees and plan for appropriate
(GC EX. 9, p. 1)
Among the named committees was Education/Tuition Support.
Waghorn listed examples of employee services that might fall
under the purview of the Employee Support Committee, including
"Employee training programs and tracking; mandatory training
requirements; orientation" (GC EX. 9, p. 2)
Finally, Waghorn requested that the presidents of the two
AFGE locals and of the Union, or their designees, participate
along with seven others in the work of the Steering Council.
Valenti testified that he interpreted the Respondent's
position as delaying the creation of the Training Committee
until after the Employee Support Council 2/ had addressed the
subject (Tr. 39).
Valenti responded to Waghorn by e-mail message dated
December 22, 2004, stating that the functions of the Employee
Support Committee were already covered by collective
bargaining agreements and that the committee had no authority
to alter those agreements. He further stated that:
Where a subject is not covered, and concerns general
conditions of employment, NAGE will exercise formal
bargaining rights. The committee is rejected.
(GC Ex. 9)
On April 13, 2005, Valenti sent an e-mail message to Lee
and Edward Kobylanski, a site manager, with copies to other
Union officers (GC Ex. 10) in which he requested that the
2/ The Employee Support Council was sometimes called the
Employee Support Committee.
- 8 issue of the Training Committee be added to the agenda of
next semi-weekly midterm bargaining session; he attached a
copy of his proposal of May 12, 2004, regarding a separate
Training Committee for the Union (Tr. 40, 41).
On April 21, 2005, Valenti sent an e-mail message to Lee
(GC Ex. 11) asking for the Respondent's proposals concerning
various issues including the Training Committee. According to
Valenti, he received no response (Tr. 42). The parties
eventually bargained over the issue and the Union
unsuccessfully sought the aid of the Federal Service Impasses
Panel (Tr. 55, 56).
On October 7, 2005, the Union initiated a grievance (GC
Ex. 12) in which it stated:
Matter Grieved: It is the Union's position that the
Employer has violated the terms and conditions [of]
the parties' Master collective bargaining agreement
by failing to create or provide the Union with [a]
local training committee as provided for by
Article 19 section 2, of the agreement.
Relief Sought: The Employer shall create or provide
the Union with a local training committee as
provided for by Article 19 section 2, of the parties
Master collective bargaining agreement, and shall
fulfill all bargaining obligations concerning the
creation of the committee.
The grievance was directed to Roger Johnson, Respondent's
Director, by e-mail; Valenti received an electronic receipt
that the message had been opened by Johnson or by someone on
his behalf on the same date (Tr. 43; GC Ex. 13).
On November 23, 2005, Valenti sent an e-mail message to
Johnson (GC Ex. 14) in which he stated that:
The agency did not meet or respond to the
attached grievance within contractual time frames.
Pursuant to Article 44 section 7 of the Master
Agreement, the grievance is resolved in favor of the
grievant (Union) please implement the remedy.
Valenti received no response to the grievance or to his
message (Tr. 44, 45).
- 9 The portion of the Master Agreement cited by Valenti
Should Management fail to comply with the time
limits of Step 1, the grievance may be advanced to
Step 2. Should Management fail to comply with the
time limits for rendering a decision at Step 2 or
Step 3, the grievance shall be resolved in favor of
the grievant, provided the following exists:
Receipt of the grievance has been
acknowledged, in writing by Management at
the appropriate step in the grievance
procedure; and
That the remedy requested by the grievant
is legal and reasonable under the
(Joint Ex. 1, p. 129)
Step 1 of the grievance procedure is for the grievance to be
presented to the immediate or acting supervisor. Step 2 is
for its submission to an appropriate management official
(Joint Ex. 1, pp. 127, 128).
Neither the Union nor the General Counsel have alleged,
in the instant case or in any other proceeding before the
Authority, that the Respondent has committed an unfair labor
practice because of its failure to comply with the grievance
procedure. On September 22, 2006, the Union filed an unfair
labor practice charge against the Respondent, identified as
Case No. BN-CA-06-0536, alleging that, beginning on or about
December 16, 2005, the Respondent failed to bargain in good
faith by unilaterally creating the Employee Support Council
(Council) and naming the Union as a member. The Regional
Director refused to issue a complaint; his decision was
affirmed by the General Counsel on February 8, 2007 (Resp.
Ex. 25). 3/
The refusal of the Regional Director to issue a complaint
and the General Counsel's affirmance of that decision is of no
significance since, pursuant to §2423.11(f) and (g) of the
Rules and Regulations of the Authority, the General Counsel's
action in such matters is final. Such action by the General
Counsel does not constitute a decision by the Authority and
3/ The court reporter has labeled the Respondent's exhibits
with the letter "A" for agency; I will cite them in the
customary manner.
- 10 creates no precedent. Furthermore, the General Counsel's
decision in the prior case is no bar to the later issuance of
a complaint based upon the same alleged violation of the
The Formation and Operation of the Council and the Training
On December 14, 2005, Margaret Owens, a management
representative of the Respondent, sent an e-mail message (GC
Ex. 15) to Valenti and the Presidents of the two AFGE locals
informing them that the Respondent had recently established
the Council and that its first meeting would take place on
December 16, 2005. Owens attached a copy of the Council
charter. Among the stated functions of the Council was to:
Develop and
prepared to
implement education & employee
programs that will ensure that the VA
Healthcare System's workforce is
meet the challenges facing the VA
Healthcare System today and into the
According to the charter, the Council Chair is to be appointed
by the Medical Center Director. The Council is to report to
the Governing Board. Among the listed standing committees and
boards is the Education/Tuition Support Committee. Owens
signed the charter as Council Chair on November 10, 2005, and
Johnson signed on November 14, 2005. There is no provision
for signatures on behalf of the Union or the AFGE locals
(Resp. Ex. 8).
Sadiann Ozment is the Director of Hospital Education
Services and a member of the Council. One of the
responsibilities of the Council was to create a Training
Committee of which Ozment is the Chair (Tr. 73, 74). The
Training Committee makes recommendations to the Council which,
in turn, makes recommendations to the Medical Center Director;
the Director has the ultimate authority to approve the
recommendations. Both the Training Committee and the Council
operate by consensus; the only agreements reached by the
Training Committee are on the substance of its
recommendations. The Training Committee has not yet failed to
reach an agreement on a recommendation (Tr. 76, 78-81).
On September 7, 2006, Owens sent an e-mail message to
Ozment and others, including Valenti, reminding them of a
Council meeting on September 8. Valenti responded on the same
date stating:
- 11 NAGE is NOT a part of this counsel [sic] and has
advised the employer that it will exercise formal
bargaining rights concerning ALL issues addressed by
the counsel over which it is entitled to do so. I
remind the employer of its contractual and statutory
obligations to provide the Union with formal notice
and opportunity to bargain concerning inter alia,
any of [sic] changes to policies, practices, and
working conditions addressed by this counsel PRIOR
to any implementation. The employer acts at its own
peril in failing to meet its obligations. The union
has not authorized the employer to reference the
NAGE as a party or participant in any minutes, or
counsel proceedings.
(Resp. Ex. 17)
Valenti's message is consistent with his prior messages
demanding what he characterized as the Union's contractual
right to a Training Committee and demanding to bargain over
any initiatives arising out of Training Committee
recommendations (GC. Ex. 17-19). It is significant to note
that Valenti never specifically stated that he objected to the
Union being on the same Training Committee as the
representatives of the two AFGE locals.
On January 12, 2007, Ozment and Owens signed a document
entitled, "Training and Career Development Committee 20062007" (Resp. Ex. 24). Ozment testified that this is the
charter of the Training Committee which was developed in
concert with the Council (Tr. 77, 78). The charter provides,
in pertinent part, that:
The Committee will be chaired by an Education
Program representative as appointed by the Director
of the Education Program. The Committee will report
directly to the Employee Support Council.
. . .
The Committee is authorized to establish and support
implementation plans . . . subject to approval by
the Medical Center Director. . . . charge letters
and potential membership for committees must be
reviewed and approved by the Employee Support
- 12 According to Lee, the Union has consistently maintained
that committees do not bargain (Tr. 124). Furthermore, during
the course of the hearing counsel for both the General Counsel
and the Respondent stated that they did not contend that
either the various committees or the Council engage in
collective bargaining (Tr. 94). Lee further testified that,
on July 30, 2007, he forwarded to Valenti and the representatives of the two AFGE locals copies of a proposed policy on
training and career development for their review (Resp.
Ex. 9). Although the policy had been recommended by the
Training Committee with the concurrence of the representative
of AFGE Local 1674 (a representative of the other AFGE local
apparently had not attended the meeting in which the action
was taken), it was still subject to review by AFGE Local 1674
since the AFGE locals also maintain that the deliberations of
the Training Committee do not constitute collective bargaining
(Tr. 125, 126). During cross-examination Ozment acknowledged
that, while the Training Committee does not engage in
collective bargaining, its recommendations are afforded
significant weight and that the Director has adopted some of
those recommendations (Tr. 88, 89).
Bargaining History
Lee testified that, on December 8 and 9, 2004, he
attended a meeting at which representatives of the VA and NAGE
introduced the Master Agreement to bargaining unit employees.
Four representatives of the Union also attended, including
Valenti. Lee identified a transcript of the training session
as well as the positions of some of the persons who spoke
(Tr. 101-103; Resp. Ex. 3) 4/. Mr. Haltigan, a VA representative, stated:
We have no definitions in the master contract. This
was an item we went back and forth with on negotiations. And you're not going to find a list of
definitions anywhere. This could be problematic at
some places. For example, I'll mention right away
people, we didn't get many questions, by the way, or
problems so far. But one of them was - what is a
facility? And we intentionally did not define a
facility. Management certainly has the right, and I
don't think there's any disagreement, to organize.
And so in that case management will define a
facility however they define it. Now obviously when
4/ The Respondent introduced an excerpt of the transcript;
accordingly, the pages in the record are not numbered
- 13 they organize and change conditions of employment,
then they have to meet all of the bargaining
obligations that go along with that. . . .
(Resp. Ex. 3, p. 4)
Ms. Pitts, a union negotiator, stated:
We tried to make this contract straightforward, and
you should be able to read it, interpret it. We
didn't come up with definitions because we had a
hard time ourselves. So we struggled, and that's
why we don't have definitions.
(Resp. Ex. 3, p. 5)
Haltigan further stated:
. . . I'm going to go ahead and start on Article 19,
Training and Career Development. . . . But
Section 2 is the key point here that the training
committee locally is going to be basically decided
by the parties at the local facility, including the
number of union representatives on the training
committee. And I know we've had issues about how
many committees and what's a facility and so
on . . . .
(Resp. Ex. 3, p. 52)
The above language is consistent with the testimony of George
Pearson, the Chief of Human Resources at the VA Medical Center
in Coatesville, Pennsylvania and a member of the VA
negotiating team for the Master Agreement. According to
Pearson, proposals by management to define the term "facility"
were presented but were eventually dropped (Tr. 168, 169).
The General Counsel has not cited any portion of the
Supplemental Agreement in which the term "facility" is
defined. Article III of the Supplemental Agreement (Joint
Ex. 2, p. 1), entitled "Definitions" contains only a
definition of an emergency. There is no other evidence of
either an oral or written agreement between the Union and the
Respondent as to what constitutes a facility.
The Respondent submitted evidence to show that other VA
facilities had single training committees in spite of the fact
that they each had more than one bargaining unit (Tr. 129-138;
Resp. Ex. 27-29). I have assigned no weight to that evidence
- 14 because the Respondent has not shown whether those
were established over the objections of the various unions.
Furthermore, Lee testified that the Respondent did not consult
with VA management at other locations before establishing a
single Training Committee (Tr. 134).
Upon consideration of the foregoing evidence, I find as a
fact that neither the Master or Supplemental Agreements, nor
any other agreement between the Union and the Respondent,
defines the term "facility" either directly or by implication,
nor is there any allegation or evidence of a past practice
concerning the structure of committees at the Respondent's
Newington or West Haven campuses. Furthermore, the statements
by VA and NAGE representatives at the contract meeting on
December 8 and 9, 2004, indicate that NAGE accepted the
proposition that decisions as to the structure of facilities
are within the purview of the VA, but without prejudice to the
right of NAGE to require notice and bargaining over resulting
changes to conditions of employment.
Discussion and Analysis
Preliminary Defenses
Limitations. Section 7118(a)(4)(A) provides that no
complaint shall be issued on the basis of an alleged unfair
labor practice that occurred more than six months before the
filing of the unfair labor practice charge. Since the Union
filed its unfair labor practice charge on June 16, 2006, the
charge was timely if the unfair labor practice occurred on or
after December 16, 2005. The evidence shows that the parties
engaged in a prolonged period of correspondence beginning on
May 12, 2004, when the Union first proposed the formation of a
Training Committee (GC Ex. 2) to September 7, 2006, when the
Union informed the Respondent that it would not be part of the
recently formed Council whose purpose included the creation of
a Training Committee (Resp. Ex. 17). Again, the Union never
specifically stated that it was insisting on a separate
Training Committee for its own bargaining unit, but kept
insisting that the Respondent adhere to Article 19, Section 2
of the Master Agreement. Nevertheless, the Respondent has not
alleged that it was unaware of the Union's position. While it
is less clear when the Union first became aware of the
Respondent's intention to form a single Training Committee,
the composition of the Council, which included all three labor
organizations, could not have been an encouraging sign.
Whether or not by coincidence, the Union filed the unfair
labor practice charge exactly six months after the first
meeting of the Council, which was the earliest date on which
- 15 the Council could have recommended the formation of a
It is of no consequence that the unfair labor practice
charge could have been filed earlier because of the delay in
the formation of the Training Committee. The charge was not
untimely and is not barred by limitations.
The prior grievance. Section 7116(d) of the Statute is
an election-of-remedy provision which requires an aggrieved
party to choose between the submission of a grievance and the
filing of an unfair labor practice charge. Each of the
parties has cited Authority precedent to the effect that an
essential element to the application of that provision is that
the subject matter of the grievance is the same as that of the
unfair labor practice charge, i.e., that each of the
proceedings must arise out of the same factual circumstances
and that the legal theories in support of each claim are
substantially identical, Dep't of Homeland Security, 61 FLRA
272 (2005). There can be no valid doubt that the factual
basis of the prior grievance and the requested relief, other
than the posting of a notice, are identical to those of the
underlying unfair labor practice charge and of the Complaint.
The legal theories are another matter. The only legal issue
in the grievance was whether the Respondent had breached
Article 19, Section 2, of the Master Agreement. In order to
meet her burden of proof in the instant case, the General
Counsel must show not only that a breach occurred, but that
the breach was clear and patent and that the provision in
question is at the heart of the agreement, Dep't of Defense,
Warner Robins Air Logistics Center, Robins Air Force Base,
Georgia, 40 FLRA 1211, 1218 (1991) (Warner Robins). The
Authority has held that repudiation is an independent
violation of the Statute, U.S. Dep't of Labor, Occupational
Safety and Health Administration, Chicago, Illinois, 19 FLRA
454, 467 (1985).
In U.S. Dep't of Labor, Washington, D.C., 59 FLRA 112
(2003), a case essentially on point, the Authority held that
an unfair labor practice charge of repudiation was not a bar
to a grievance for breach of the same contractual provision.
If that precedent is to be re-examined, the Authority, rather
than an Administrative Law Judge, must do so. Accordingly, I
am bound by the holding of the Authority and must deny the
Respondent's request that the Complaint be dismissed pursuant
to §7116(d) of the Statute.
- 16 The Nature of the Alleged Breach of Contract
The Union and the General Counsel maintain that
Article 19, Section 2 of the Master Agreement requires the
Respondent to create a separate Training Committee for the
Union and that the Respondent breached the Master Agreement
when it established a committee which included representatives
of the AFGE locals. In spite of that contention the Union
never stated that it wanted such a committee. Rather, the
Union, through Valenti, repeatedly insisted that the
Respondent comply with the Master Agreement while declaring
that it would not participate in the deliberations of the
Council or the Training Committee. Indeed, the relief which
the Union sought through the grievance procedure was similarly
non-specific as is the Order and Notice proposed by the
General Counsel. If the vague claims for relief by the Union
and the General Counsel are motivated by a deliberate
strategy, the strategy is not obvious and has not been
Apparently the Union was so sure of its position that its
initial proposal regarding the composition of the Training
Committee (GC Ex. 2) was that the committee be comprised of
"three Labor and three Management representatives" rather than
that the Union itself have three representatives. The
Respondent acquiesced to the Union's proposal and responded
with a draft of a policy in which the Training Committee was
to include representatives of each of the three labor
organizations (GC Ex. 5). The Union never stated in writing
that it did not consider representatives of the two AFGE
locals to be "Labor" representatives within the meaning of its
proposal. However, Lee testified that there was disagreement
over whether all of the labor representatives should have been
from the Union (Tr. 113).
The language of the Master Agreement and the explanation
of its language at the training session of December 8 and 9,
2004 (Resp. Ex. 3), indicate that the Master Agreement
contains no definition of a "facility", that such definition
is within the purview of the VA in the first instance and that
the details of the composition and operation of the committees
were left to local bargaining.
Both Valenti and Lee
testified that the Newington and West Haven campuses have been
integrated since around 1995 (Tr. 21, 99). While the
integration of the campuses supports the Respondent's position
that the Newington and West Haven campuses were a single
facility within the meaning of the Master Agreement, that does
not absolutely preclude the formation of a facility-wide
Training Committee only for the Union. However, it is
- 17 somewhat far fetched to suppose that the Master Agreement
requires such a separate committee for the Union, in the
absence of specific language to that effect, when the
bargaining unit represented by the Union consists only of
employees assigned to Newington.
The proposition that the Respondent breached the Master
Agreement at all, let alone that its breach was clear and
patent, is at odds with all of the evidence as cited herein.
I need not decide whether the Master Agreement requires the
establishment of a separate Training Committee for the Union
in order to conclude that the construction of the Master
Agreement by the Respondent was reasonable and, therefore, its
breach, if any, was not clear and patent as required by Warner
Robins and similar holdings by the Authority.
The Significance of Article 19
The General Counsel appears to have partially retreated
from her concurrence with the proposition that the Training
Committee does not engage in collective bargaining. In the
conclusion to her post-hearing brief the General Counsel
asserts that Article 19 of the Master Agreement is the "sole
vehicle addressing training issues short of filing a
grievance" (GC brief, p. 15). Presumably, if I were to accept
that assertion, I would then conclude that Article 19 is at
the heart of the Master Agreement.
The problem with the General Counsel's position is that
it flies in the face of the evidence that the parties met
twice a week to conduct mid-term bargaining. There is nothing
in the language of Article 10 of the Master Agreement that
excludes the composition of committees from the scope of such
bargaining, nor is there any evidence to show that the
Respondent refused to discuss the subject. To the contrary,
the evidence submitted by both parties shows that there was
hard bargaining, often by e-mail, over the composition of the
Council and the Training Committee and that the Union
considered the parties to have reached an impasse.
In U.S. Dep't of Transportation, Federal Aviation
Administration, Standiford Air Traffic Control Tower,
Louisville, Kentucky, 53 FLRA 312, 319 (1997) the Authority
recognized that the definition of collective bargaining set
forth in §7103(a)(12) of the Statute does not prescribe any
particular method by which collective bargaining may occur.
Thus, the designation of a body as the Training Committee does
not, in itself, mean that the committee could not have engaged
in collective bargaining. However, the undisputed evidence
- 18 shows that the Training Committee did not, in fact, engage
collective bargaining. The committee itself was formed upon
the recommendation of the Council; the charters of the Council
and the Training Committee were issued solely by the
Respondent. The function of the Training Committee is to make
recommendations to the Council which, in turn, makes
recommendations which are subject to the approval of the
Director of the Medical Center. Each of the labor
organizations with which the Respondent bargains has the right
to name a representative to the Training Committee, but the
Respondent's representatives far outnumber those of the labor
organizations. Furthermore, the Training Committee, like the
Council, makes decisions by consensus.
In summary, the proceedings of the Training Committee
have none of the indicia of collective bargaining, especially
in light of the unambiguous language of Article 10 which
provides for midterm bargaining. The language of Article 19,
Section 2A, by which the Training Committee is authorized to
reach joint agreements, does not support a contrary
conclusion. The actual functioning of the Training Committee
suggests that the term "joint agreements" refers to the
formulation of recommendations. As a practical matter, the
Training Committee may make recommendations which would
obviate the need for bargaining or motivate either of the
parties to initiate bargaining. However, there is nothing in
the Master Agreement to suggest that, in participating in the
work of the Training Committee, the Union would be waiving or
compromising its right to conduct midterm bargaining in
accordance with Article 10.
The determination as to whether a contractual provision
is at the heart of an agreement must, by its very nature, be
made on a case-by-case basis. There would be no question if
the composition of the Training Committee were the sole
subject of a memorandum of understanding. In this case the
language in dispute is part of a Master Agreement consisting
of 64 articles which cover the full range of subjects
governing the relationship between the parties. While the
Training Committee may serve a useful purpose, it cannot be
considered as an essential element of the agreement. The
reliance of the General Counsel on Office of the Adjutant
General, Missouri National Guard, Jefferson City, Missouri,
58 FLRA 418 (2003) is misplaced. That decision, as well as
the underlying decision of the Administrative Law Judge,
turned on the affirmative defense that the repudiated
provision of the collective bargaining agreement was contrary
to law. The agency did not deny that the contractual
- 19 provision, which involved a uniform allowance, was at the
heart of the agreement.
As shown above, I have concluded that the General Counsel
has not supported her burden of proof that the alleged breach
of the collective bargaining agreement was clear and patent or
that the provision in question was at the heart of the
agreement. Accordingly, I have concluded that the Respondent
did not commit an unfair labor practice by failing to
establish a separate Training Committee for the Union. 5/ I
recommend that the Authority adopt the following Order:
It is hereby ordered that the Complaint be, and hereby
is, dismissed.
Issued, Washington, DC, December 12, 2007.
Administrative Law Judge
5/ Since the contractual provision is not at the heart of the
agreement, I would reach the same conclusion even if the
Respondent were considered to have breached Article 19 by
virtue of its delay in forming the Training Committee.
I hereby certify that copies of the DECISION issued
by PAUL B. LANG, Administrative Law Judge, in Case No.
BN-CA-06-0354, were sent to the following parties:
Philip T. Roberts, Esquire
7005 2570 0001 8450 3825
Federal Labor Relations Authority
Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr., Fed. Bldg.
10 Causeway Street, Suite 472
Boston, MA 02222
Kimberly M. Jacobs, Esquire
555 Willard Avenue
Newington, CT 06111
7005 2570 0001 8450 3832
John V. Valenti, President
NAGE, Local R1-109
555 Willard Avenue
Newington, CT 06111
7005 2570 0001 8450 3849
December 12, 2007
Washington, DC