
The FLRA has guides to help you understand specific issues, as well as forms and checklists to help you navigate our process.  Access resources by topic below.

The Statute & Regulations

Our Statute & Regulations page includes the full text of the Statute we enforce and links to all of our Regulations.

Information by Case Type

Unfair Labor Practice – our popular case law outline, guidances on specific topics, such as meetings and info requests, forms related to filing and responding to ULP charges, and more.

Representation – the case law outline, the casehandling manual, a link to FAQs, plus forms related to filing and responding to petitions.

Arbitration – the guide to arbitration, a check list for filing an arbitration appeal, and forms related to filing and responding to arbitration appeals.

Negotiability – the guide to negotiability and forms related to filing and responding to negotiability appeals.

Impasse – the dispute resolution procedures guide and the form to file a request for impasse assistance.

Guides & Manuals

Our Guides & Manuals page allows you to browse all of our guides and manuals in one place, including the ULP case law outline, representation case law outline, arbitration guide, and negotiability guide.

Forms & Checklists

Our Forms & Checklists page provides quick access to any FLRA form.

Alternative Dispute Resolution

Our Alternative Dispute Resolution page includes information on our ADR programs and interest-based problem solving trainings.