Plain Language at the FLRA
The Plain Writing Act of 2010 (the Act) requires federal agencies to write "clear Government communication that the public can understand and use." Three separate Executive Orders emphasize the need for clear, plain language: E.O. 12866, E.O. 12988, and E.O. 13563.”
The FLRA is committed to writing new documents in plain language, using the Federal Plain Language Guidelines and the OMB implementation guidance on the Plain Writing Act of 2010.
We need your help to comply with this Act! Let us know if you have trouble understanding our documents or the pages on our website by sending an e-mail to:
We have assigned staff to oversee our Plain Language efforts:
- Aloysious Hogan: Agency coordinator
- Anna Molpus: Authority-component coordinator
- Dan Duran: FSIP-component coordinator
- Cabrina Smith: OGC-component coordinator
We’re training our employees and strenghtening our oversight process. To this end, we must use plain language in any document that:
- is necessary for obtaining any federal government benefit or service that we provide;
- provides information about any federal government benefit or service; or
- explains to the public how to comply with a requirement that the FLRA administers or enforces.
Please let us know if we haven't written a document in plain language by sending an e-mail to:
Compliance Reports