File a Case

eFiling 2.0 Link

You must know which “component” or part of the FLRA handles the type of case you want to file.  Although the FLRA prefers that parties use eFiling for filing their documents, other methods are available.  Click the case types below for filing instructions and paper forms.

Please note:  First-time users of the eFiling system must register.  You can't eFile a case until FLRA staff approves your registration, normally within one business day.  For instructions on how to register and create a User Profile, click here.  The filing date for a case is the date you submit it, which you can only do after your registration is approved. 

Unfair Labor Practice (ULP)

ULPs fall under the jurisdiction of different FLRA components or offices, depending on the stage of the case.

(1) To file an initial charge, you will need to file a case with the Office of the General Counsel (OGC), preferably through the eFiling system.  

(2) To file an answer to a complaint or other pleading or document related to a ULP hearing, file with the Office of Administrative Law Judges (OALJ), preferably through the eFiling system.

(3) To file exceptions or cross-exceptions to a recommended ALJ Decision, an opposition to such exceptions or cross-exceptions, or a related pleading, file with the Authority's Office of Case Intake and Publication, preferably through the eFiling system.   


To file an initial petition, you must file with the Office of the General Counsel (OGC), preferably through the eFiling system.

  • To eFile, review the technical instructions here, and then click the yellow eFiling button above. 
  • To file by fax or mail, file the Petition Form with your Regional Office.
  • For more information about the different types of representation petitions that you can file, what information you will need to file, and what will happen next, visit our Representation Resources page or contact the Regional Office where you wish to file your petition.

To file an application for review of a Decision and Order issued by a Regional Director in a representation proceeding, an opposition to an application for review, or related pleading, you will need to file a case with the Authority's Office of Case Intake and Publication, preferably through the eFiling system


The Authority prefers that parties file using the FLRA's eFiling system.  The Authority's arbitration forms are built in to the eFiling system.  You can also find the forms here if you wish to complete and upload the forms to the eFiling system, or if you wish to file by mail, commercial delivery, or hand delivery. 

Once an arbitrator issues an award, either an agency or a union may appeal the arbitrator's award by filing an exception with the Authority within 30 days after the date on which the Arbitrator served the award on the parties.  You must file exceptions or any opposition to exceptions with the Authority's Office of Case Intake and Publication.  The Authority's review of an arbitrator's award is very limited.  The Authority's Regulations and Guide to Arbitration specify the grounds for appeal. 

In addition, you can find the information necessary for filing exceptions in the Checklist for Filing an Arbitration Appeal (Exceptions)

If the information contained in these pages does not answer all of your questions, you may direct specific inquiries by phone to the Office of Case Intake and Publication.


The Authority prefers that parties file using the Authority's eFiling system.  The Authority's negotiability forms are built in to the eFiling system.  You can also find the forms here if you wish to complete and upload the forms to the eFiling system, or if you wish to file by mail, commercial delivery, or hand delivery. 

Under the FLRA's Regulations, a union must file a petition for review with the Authority within 15 days of an agency's allegation of nonnegotiability (in proposal case) or an agency head's disapproval (in a provision case).  After the union files its petition, the Authority schedules a post-petition conference to gather information regarding the proposals or provisions in dispute.  The agency must file a statement of position with the Authority within 30 days of receiving the petition for review.  After the union receives a copy of the agency's statement of position, the union must file a response within 15 days.  And after the agency receives the union's response, the agency may file a reply within 15 days.  Parties must file all filings with the Office of Case Intake and Publication

You can find more information on negotiability disputes here.  The Guide to Negotiability contains useful information about the negotiability process, including diagrams of the pre-petition process and the filing process.

Bargaining Impasses

To file a request for assistance seeking consideration of an impasse or approval of a binding arbitration procedure, file your request with the Federal Service Impasses Panel (FSIP) through the eFiling system.  Parties may also file requests for assistance through use of fillable forms.

For more information about the different case types and links to information about our case law and procedures, click here.  You can also find a list of eFiling FAQs here.