United States of America
In the Matter of
Case No. 02 FSIP 67 |
The Pension Benefit
Guaranty Corporation (Employer or PBGC) filed a request for assistance with the
Federal Service Impasses Panel (Panel) to consider a negotiation impasse under
the Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute (Statute), 5 U.S.C.
§ 7119, between it and Local R3-77, National Association of Government
Employees, SEIU, AFL-CIO (Union).
Following investigation
of the Employer’s request for assistance in the case, which arose from
negotiations over the renewal of a child care subsidy program,(1)
the Panel determined that the dispute should be resolved through written
submissions from the parties. The parties were informed that, after considering
the entire record, the Panel would take whatever action it deems appropriate to
resolve the impasse, which could include the issuance of a binding decision.
Written submissions were received pursuant to this procedure, and the Panel has
now considered the entire record.(2)
The Employer guarantees
payment of nonforfeitable pension benefits in covered, private-sector, defined
benefit pension plans. It is a self-financing, wholly-owned Government
corporation that does not receive appropriated funds. The Union represents
approximately 520 bargaining-unit employees who work in such positions as
attorney, accountant, actuary, and auditor, at grades GS-3 through -14. The most
recent collective bargaining agreement (CBA) governing unit employees’
conditions of employment was negotiated by the Employer with a predecessor
union, and expired in 1989. The parties have been negotiating over an initial
CBA since the Union became the exclusive representative in 1999.
The parties essentially disagree over four child care subsidy issues: the eligibility cutoff; the monthly amount of the subsidy; the amount of money the Employer annually will make available to fund the program; and the duration and retroactive effect, if any, of the agreement.
1. The Union’s Position
Union proposes that PBGC make available "the sum necessary to provide for child
care subsidies," but does not specify an exact amount. Payments would be
retroactive to October 1, 2001, and would continue "for the life of the contract
and thereafter until modified." The purpose of the program is to provide "an
incentive" to recruit and retain PBGC employees by subsidizing their licensed
child care costs.(3)
Eligibility for the program is based on total family (or household) income (TFI
or THI): for Fiscal Year (FY) 2002, employees must have a TFI of $65,000 or
less; for FY 2003, $85,000 or less; and for FY 2004, $90,000 or less.(4)
The amount of subsidy available to employees would also be based on employees’
To determine the amount of the subsidy, applicants will be assigned a different
set of percentage points based on the number of qualified children they have in
child care.
The proposed
TFI and monthly subsidy levels are in the best interest of the Agency and its
employees and "fulfill the goals set by Congress to provide a child care tuition
program that serves to recruit and retain employees and provide a family
friendly workplace." The initial program for FY 2001 "was so stingy that it was
an embarrassment." In this regard, only 10 employees applied for child care
benefits, and only 7 employees actually received subsidies.(6)
An increase in both the TFI threshold and the monthly amount of the subsidy for
the new program is, therefore, justified.
As to
the TFI threshold, the U.S. Census Bureau reports that median income for the
Washington, D.C., area is $85,000 per year. As such, a TFI of $85,000 or higher
is "in line with OPM’s [guidance]," and is consistent with TFI levels utilized
by other Federal agencies for their child care subsidy programs. By increasing
the TFI cutoff in FY 2003 to $85,000, and to $90,000 in FY 2004, the proposal
expands child care subsidies so more employees may be eligible. Surveys
conducted jointly and by the Union indicate that as many as 30 employees, 23 of
whom currently have a TFI of over $60,000, would benefit from the Union proposal
by FY 2004. Based on its huge reported surplus, PBGC can well afford to fund an
expanded program. The cost of the program, if about 30 employees were deemed
eligible, would be approximately $71,000 per year. In contrast, the Employer’s
proposal would severely restrict eligibility and treats child care support as a
form of welfare. The Employer’s arbitrary budget allocation of $60,000 per year
"could very well reduce the tuition provided by the program in the middle of the
year" and, in that event, would discourage participation. Finally, the
Employer’s objection to raising TFI above $65,000 is at odds with its current
practice of providing free or "highly subsidized parking spaces," that each cost
approximately $180 per month, "to top managers and executives . . . without
regard to income or budget caps."
2. The Employer’s Position
Basically, a 3-year child care subsidy program should be adopted. The parties’ initial agreement on child care subsidies for FY 2001, modeled after the child care subsidy legislation, was designed to assist lower income Federal employees. Its proposed program is also intended to assist such employees. In FY 2002, PBGC would make available for payment of subsidies a sum not to exceed $60,000. The same amount would also be made available in FY 2003 and in FY 2004, "subject to availability." To be eligible, employees must be full-time, have one or more qualified dependents for whom licensed, quality child care provider expenses are incurred, and a THI that does not exceed $65,000. THI for FY 2003 and 2004 would increase "by the percentage increase in General Schedule pay for the Washington, D.C., area." The subsidy would not exceed $400 per month(7) ($4,800 per household) or the actual child care provider expenses incurred, if they are lower. Child care subsidies would be allocated to applicants in inverse order of THI, "provided that eligible child care subsidy households shall not be removed from the program as long as they remain eligible to receive a child care subsidy." The parties’ agreement would remain in effect until October 1, 2004.
The proposal represents a
substantial increase in benefits to employees over the prior program. The
allocation of $60,000 annually is more than sufficient to meet program needs and
constitutes a per capita subsidy of $80.(8)
In contrast, the Overseas Private Investment Corporation, the agency most
comparable to PBGC in size, has allocated a per capita subsidy of only $42.11.
Its proposed THI of $65,000 or less also is "closely in line with other Federal
agencies’ positions," specifically the IRS and Department of the Interior, which
both define THI as $65,000 or less.(9)
In this regard, the bulk of PBGC’s employees, who hold positions at grades GS-12
and GS-13, and receive salaries between $55,694 and $86,095, do not fall far
below the middle of this range. Thus, the proposed THI threshold "would enable
many PBGC employees to qualify for child care subsidies," without being
inconsistent with the legislation’s purpose of assisting lower income Federal
employees. Furthermore, the monthly subsidy is nearly four times higher than the
amount afforded eligible employees in the prior agreement, and also is
consistent with what other agencies provide.(10)
It is likely that 12 employees would be able to obtain maximum benefit. Finally,
while the Employer previously offered to provide child care subsidies
retroactive to October 1, 2001, this was proposed in an attempt to settle the
dispute voluntarily. At this point, retroactivity is not justified because the
Union delayed bargaining over the program for months and failed to cooperate
with the Panel during its investigation and mediation efforts.
carefully considered the evidence and arguments presented by the parties on the
issue of the child care subsidy program, we shall order the adoption of the
Employer’s proposal to resolve their dispute, but modified so the subsidy is
retroactive to the beginning of FY 2002.(11)
In our view, the Employer’s proposal is more consistent with the intent of
Congress in authorizing Federal agencies to expend funds to assist "lower income
Federal employees" with their child care expenses than the Union’s, and more
closely resembles child care subsidy programs adopted by other Federal agencies.
Among other things, we are persuaded that the THI eligibility threshold of
$65,000 for FY 2002, with amounts in subsequent years based on the percentage
increase in GS pay for the Washington, D.C., area, constitutes a reasonable
definition of "lower-income employee" pursuant to OPM guidance.(12)
respect to retroactivity, it appears from the record that one of the reasons the
parties opened negotiations at the conclusion of their FY 2001 agreement was to
ensure that the reimbursement of child care expenses to eligible PBGC employees
would continue without interruption. In the circumstances presented, we are
unwilling to penalize lower-income PBGC employees on the basis of the
allegations the Employer raises concerning the Union’s bargaining behavior.
Moreover, by previously offering to make these benefits available to eligible
employees from the beginning of FY 2002, the Employer has implicitly
acknowledged that sufficient funds have been allocated for this
Pursuant to
the authority vested in it by the Federal Service Labor-Management Relations
Statute, 5 U.S.C. § 7119, and because of the failure of the parties to resolve
their dispute during the course of proceedings instituted under the Panel’s
regulations, 5 C.F.R. § 2471.6(a)(2), the Federal Service Impasses Panel, under
5 C.F.R. § 2471.11(a) of its regulations, hereby orders the
The parties shall adopt the Employer’s proposal, modified by adding the following wording
15. Duration and Retroactivity. The Parties agree that this memorandum of understanding agreement shall be retroactive to October 1, 2001, and that this memorandum of understanding shall remain in effect until October 1, 2004.
By direction of the Panel.
H. Joseph Schimansky
Executive Director
July 2, 2002
Washington, D.C.
1. In 1999, Congress
passed Public Law 106-58. Section 643 permitted agencies to use appropriated
funds “otherwise available for salaries” to provide child care for civilian
employees in order to “improve the affordability of child care for lower income
Federal employees.” The legislation initially was effective through September
30, 2000, but was later extended through December 15, 2000. The Office of
Personnel Management (OPM) issued regulations to implement the legislation in
March 2000. The legislation was made permanent on November 12, 2001. Pub. L. No.
107-67, Section 630. The parties reached agreement on a 1-year child care
subsidy program following enactment of the legislation.
2. In a May 31, 2002,
letter to the Panel following receipt of the parties’ submissions, the Union
requested that the Panel reject the Employer’s final offer, purportedly on the
ground that it is “improper” or, in the alternative, grant it additional time to
respond to the final offer. In this regard, the Union asserts that the day
before it made its submission, it requested a “copy” of the Employer’s final
offer. The Employer asserts that it “mistakenly” gave the Union a copy of a
previous offer, dated March 6, 2002, which included a provision making the child
care subsidy program retroactive to the beginning of FY 2002. In its May 29,
2002, submission to the Panel, the Employer’s final offer did not contain the
retroactivity provision. In light of the decision herein, it is unnecessary to
address the Union’s request.
3. Under the Union’s
proposal, “qualified dependents” are children under age 13 (under age 18 for
disabled children) who are members of the child care subsidy recipient’s
household. To qualify, an applicant must be (i) a full-time PBGC employee; (ii)
have one or more qualified dependents; and (iii) have at least one qualified
dependent who receives child care from a licensed child care provider.
4. For employees
whose TFI is over this threshold in any of the periods, and who have two or more
children age 5 and under “requiring significant child care costs, the maximum
TFI (to be eligible) is $90,000, $95,000 and $100,000 (respectively for each of
the periods) to [be eligible for] 100% of $250 in subsidies.”
5. Eligible employees
will receive a total “top benefit amount” of up to $450 per month.
6. The Union contends
that PBGC expended only $10,000 initially, even though it budgeted $75,000 for
the FY 2001 program.
7. For example, an
employee with a THI of $64,995 would be entitled to 60 percent of $400, or $240
as a “base monthly subsidy.” The monthly subsidy would be increased by 15
percent (of $400) for each additional child, up to two children, in full-time
child care; and 10 percent for additional children in part-time child care.
8. In its submission,
PBGC notes that 5 C.F.R. § 792.221(a)(2002) requires agencies to notify Congress
of the “specific amount” of appropriated funds the agency has budgeted for child
care subsidies. The Employer asserts, therefore, that the Union’s proposal is
nonnegotiable because it would have the agency ignore this legal requirement.
9. The Employer
provided the March 2001 Report to Congress on “Child Care Subsidies in the
Federal Government” (the “2001 OPM Report”), in which OPM states that the
average THI threshold utilized by agencies is $50,000, and the range is $25,000
to $75,000.
10. According to the
Employer, of the nine agencies polled, PBGC’s monthly subsidy is higher than
four agencies and lower than five. Those agencies’ subsidies range from $240 to
$1,136 per month.
11. Because the
Employer’s proposal fixes the amount to be budgeted for the program each FY, we
need not address its jurisdictional argument, raised for the first time in its
written submission, that the portion of the Union’s proposal which would require
PBGC to “make available the sum necessary” to fund the program, is nonnegotiable
because it violates OPM regulations.
12. In its guidance
to agencies, OPM sets forth several methods for defining “lower income
employee,” one of which is to calculate 85 percent of a State’s median income.
Contrary to the Union’s assertion, the “median income” in Washington, D.C.,
Virginia, or Maryland is not $85,000. According to U.S. Census Bureau figures,
the State median income for four-person families in Federal FY 2002 is as
follows: Washington, D.C. - $62,281; Virginia - $64,352; Maryland - $74,806. See
Notice of Estimated State Median Income for FY 2002, 66 Fed. Reg. 16,060, 16,061
(March 22, 2001). Eighty-five percent of Maryland’s median income for FY 2002 -
the highest of the three jurisdictions - is $63,585.