30:0670(82)NG - HHS, SSA, Region X, Seattle, WA and AFGE, national Council of SSA Field Operations Locals, Region X, Seattle, WA -- 1987 FLRAdec NG
[ v30 p670 ]
The decision of the Authority follows:
30 FLRA NO. 82 30 FLRA 670 31 DEC 1987 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION, REGION X, SEATTLE, WASHINGTON Agency and AMERICAN FEDERATION OF GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES, NATIONAL COUNCIL OF SSA FIELD OPERATIONS LOCALS, REGION X, SEATTLE, WASHINGTON Union Case No. 0-NG-1479 ORDER The Union's petition for review of negotiability issues under 5 U.S.C. 7105(a)(2)(E) is dismissed. On September 21, 1987, the local parties met and negotiated a Memorandum of Understanding. The agreement was executed and forwarded to the National Office (Activity) on September 28, 1987, for review and approval. In a memorandum dated October 27, 1987 and served on the Union on October 28, 1987, the Activity disapproved certain provisions in the local parties' agreement. The Union then filed a petition in response to the Agency's allegation that the Union's provisions were not within the Agency's duty to bargain. On December 9, 1987, the Agency withdrew the Activity's allegation of nonnegotiability. Since the Agency has withdrawn the allegation concerning the Union's proposals, there is no longer an issue before the Authority whether the proposals are within the parties' duty to bargain under the Statute. For the Authority. Issued, Washington, D.C., December 31, 1987. Harold D. Kessler Acting Executive Director