27:0114(22)AR - HHS, SSA and AFGE -- 1987 FLRAdec AR
[ v27 p114 ]
The decision of the Authority follows:
27 FLRA No. 22 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION Agency and AMERICAN FEDERATION OF GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES, AFL-CIO Union Case No. O-AR-1210 (25 FLRA No. 33) ORDER DENYING MOTIONS FOR RECONSIDERATION I. Statement of the Case This matter is before us on requests filed by the Agency and the Union seeking reconsideration of our decision of February 3, 1987. The Agency also filed a request for a stay of our decision. In our decision, after careful consideration of the record, we determined that the Agency had failed to establish that a number of the Arbitrator's bench awards were deficient on any of the grounds set forth in section 7122(a) of the Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute (the Statute). Accordingly, we denied the Agency's exceptions to those bench awards. We also set aside one of the Arbitrator's bench awards as contrary to section 7106(a)(2)(B) of the Statute. Section 2429.17 of the Authority's Rules and Regulations permits a party that can establish "extraordinary circumstances" to request reconsideration of a decision of the Authority. II. The Agency's Request In its request, the Agency seeks reconsideration of our decision with respect to two of the bench awards. The Agency argues that our decision denying the Agency's exceptions to those two awards was not based on an accurate interpretation of the facts. Specifically, the Agency contends that (1) the Arbitrator's decision concerning straight-time payments for improperly denied official time is based on a non-fact, and (2) the decision concerning the photocopying machine is ambiguous and without basis in the record. We conclude that the Agency has not established "extraordinary circumstances" within the meaning of section 2429.17. Rather, the arguments presented by the Agency in suppport of its request constitute nothing more than disagreement with the merits of our decision and an attempt to relitigate the matter. The Agency's request for reconsideration must be denied. III. The Union's Request A. Positions of the Parties In its request, the Union seeks reconsideration of our decision setting aside one of the Arbitrator's bench awards, specifically his award of tuition, fees, official time, and travel and per diem for Mary Ellen Shea to attend Harvard University for the academic year 1986-1987, to obtain a masters degree in public administration. Based on precendent in negotiability cases involving proposals to require management to provide specific formal training or to assign employees to specific training programs during working hours, we held that the Arbitrator's award was contrary to section 7106(a)(2)(B) of the Statute. In general, the Union contends that the Authority misconstrued certain facts central to the case, misinterpreted the Arbitrator's award, and misapplied its decisions in other cases in this dispute. Specifically, the Union argues that the Authority misconstrued Ms. Shea's attendance at Harvard as that of a federal employee on a career path rather than that of a union leader seeking to improve her advocacy skills. The Union maintains that since Ms. Shea was a Union official on 100 percent official time who had been designated by the Union to attend the Harvard program, her attendance was the result of her Union rather than federal employee responsibilities and that the Arbitrator's award was simply a reallocation of Union priorities. The Union further argues that the Arbitrator only awarded Ms. Shea official time and not tuition, books or travel and per diem. The Union maintains that it only asked the Arbitrator to order the Agency to approve official time and to furnish the Union with information concerning training for all employees for the previous four years, includings information regarding official time, tuition, expenses, fees, and travel and per diem. The Union also argues that the cases cited by the Authority in the disputed decision are distinguishable from the situation in this case because they involved training for employees rather than training for union officials. The Union argues that since the Authority has held that an arbitrator may award official time for union-sponsored or third party training pursuant to a collective bargaining agreement and that a provision for 100 percent official time may be reasonable, an award of official time for the 10-month masters program in this case is not deficient. Additionally, the Union contends that although the Agency initially approved official time for Ms. Shea to attend the Harvard program, the Agency unilaterally rescinded its approval after receiving our decision in this case, improperly denied her request for leave without pay (LWOP), ordered her to return to work before completing the program, and threatened her with termination if she failed to do so. In its opposition to the Union's request for reconsideration, the Agency argues that the record establishes that Ms. Shea sought to attend the Harvard program for personal reasons to advance her interest in pursuing a career in the field of labor relations. The Agency also argues that the transcript of the proceeding before the Arbitrator supports a finding that the Union was seeking and the Arbitrator awarded tuition, books, fees, and travel and per diem for Ms. Shea. The Agency further argues that the Authority's determination that the award was deficient was consistent with previous decisions of the Authority concerning the assignment of specific training to employees during duty hours. Finally, the Agency maintains that the Union's allegations that the Agency plans to fire Ms. Shea are not supported by the record and are not true. B. Analysis and Conclusions The Union's argument in its request for reconsideration do not establish the existence of "extraordinary circumstances" within the meaning of section 2429.17 of the Authority's Rules and Regulations. First, the Union's arguments that the Authority misconstrued certain facts in the case and misinterpreted the Arbitrator's award constitute nothing more than disagreement with the decision and an attempt to relitigate the matter. As to the Union's contention that the Authority misapplied precedent in deciding this case, this contention likewise amounts to nothing more than disagreement with the merits of our decision. Subsequent to our determination in this case, we issued a decision in Military Entrance Processing Station, Los Angeles, California, 25 FLRA No. 57 (1987), in which we held that section 7131(d) "carves out an exception" to management's rights to assign work and that official time negotiated under 7131(d) does not violate management's right to assign work notwithstanding other provisions of the Statute. Slip op. at 4. However, that decision does not warrant reconsideration of this case. We find that the approximately 10 months of official time awarded by the Arbitrator for the employee to obtain a masters degree in public administration is not an appropriate use of official time as contemplated by section 7131 of the Statute. That is, in the circumstances of this case, the official time ordered by the Arbitrator is not authorized under section 7131 of the Statute for the purpose described. So far as the record indicates, the predominant purposes and benefits of the course of study appear to be personal to the employee. No showing was made in the case of the sort of direct relationship between the course of study and working conditions of employees that would serve to bring the use of official time ordered by the Arbitrator within the scope of section 7131. The Arbitrator's award of official time, with or without an award of tuition, books, fees and travel and per diem expenses for the masters degree program, is therefore deficient, notwithstanding our decision in Military Entrance Processing Station. With regard to the Union's allegation that the Agency improperly denied Ms. Shea's request for leave without pay, as we noted in our decision, the Arbitrator did not rule on the employee's entitlement to LWOP in this proceeding and that issue was not before us in deciding the case. As to the Union's assertions that the Agency has improperly ordered the employee to return to work before completing the program and before the Arbitrator has an opportunity to rule on her entitlement to LWOP, and that the Agency has threatened the employee with removal if she fails to return as ordered, the alleged actions were also not before us in deciding the case. We conclude that the Union has failed to establish any extraordinary circumstances for reconsidering our decision in this case. IV. Order Accordingly, for the reasons stated above, the requests for reconsideration are denied. The Agency's request for a stay is likewise denied. Issued, Washington, D.C., May 28, 1987. /s/ Jerry L. Calhoun, Chairman /s/ Henry B. Frazier III, Member /s/ Jean McKee, Member FEDERAL LABOR RELATIONS AUTHORITY