17:0183(28)CU - Army Missile Command; Army Test, Measurement and Diagnostic Equipment Support Group, Redstone Arsenal, AL and AFGE Local 1858; Army Missile Command, Army Communications Command Agency - Redstone Arsenal, AL, Army Commissary, Army Test, Measurement and Diagnostic Equipment Support Group, Redstone Arsenal, AL -- 1985 FLRAdec RP
[ v17 p183 ]
The decision of the Authority follows:
17 FLRA No. 28 U.S. ARMY MISSILE COMMAND; U.S. ARMY TEST, MEASUREMENT AND DIAGNOSTIC EQUIPMENT SUPPORT GROUP, REDSTONE ARSENAL, ALABAMA Activity/Petitioner and AMERICAN FEDERATION OF GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES, LOCAL 1858, AFL-CIO Labor Organization Case No. 4-CU-30013 U.S. ARMY MISSILE COMMAND; U.S. ARMY COMMUNICATIONS COMMAND AGENCY - REDSTONE ARSENAL, ALABAMA; U.S. ARMY COMMISSARY; U.S. ARMY TEST, MEASUREMENT AND DIAGNOSTIC EQUIPMENT SUPPORT GROUP, REDSTONE ARSENAL, ALABAMA Activity/Petitioner and AMERICAN FEDERATION OF GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES, LOCAL 1858, AFL-CIO Labor Organization Case No. 4-CU-30014 DECISION AND ORDER AMENDING CERTIFICATIONS AND CLARIFYING UNITS Upon petitions duly filed with the Authority under section 7111(b)(2) of the Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute (the Statute), a hearing was held before a hearing officer of the Authority. The hearing officer's rulings made at the hearing are free from prejudicial error and are hereby affirmed. Upon careful consideration of the entire record, including the contentions of the parties, the Authority finds: On May 8, 1967, the American Federation of Government Employees, Local 1858, AFL-CIO (Local 1858) was recognized as the exclusive representative for a unit of all nonprofessional employees of the United States Army Missile Command (MICOM). This recognition was amended on June 26, 1975, to add the name of the U.S. Army Communications Command (USACOM) Agency - Redstone Arsenal, Alabama (herein MICOM/USACOM). On September 28, 1976, Local 1858 was certified as the exclusive representative for a unit of all professional employees of MICOM. /1/ On May 6, 1983, Local 1858 was certified as the exclusive representative for a unit of all professional and nonprofessional employees of the Patriot Project Office, Air Defense Missile System (herein Patriot Project Office). In Case No. 4-CU-30013, the Petitioner seeks, first, to amend the Activity's name in the MICOM unit of professional employees by adding USATMDE, in order to reflect partly what has always been true, and to reflect changes that have taken place by reorganization. In Case No. 4-CU-30014, the Petitioner seeks to amend the name of the MICOM/USACOM unit of nonprofessional employees by adding the U.S. Army Commissary (herein Commissary) and USATMDE, in order to reflect changes that have taken place by reorganization. Local 1858 does not object to the amendments of the names of the Activities, as requested by the Petitioner. Due to an organizational restructuring, on February 1, 1976, the Commissary, formerly under MICOM Command, became an element of the U.S. Army Troop Support Agency. In a reorganization on July 11, 1982, the USATMDE was transferred from the MICOM Command to the U.S. Army Materiel Development and Readiness Command (DARCOM). Prior to these reorganizations, the professional employees of the USATMDE were members of the MICOM professional unit, and the nonprofessional employees of the Commissary and the USATMDE were members of the MICOM/USACOM nonprofessional unit. The reorganizations did not change the existing bargaining relationships for the professional or nonprofessional USATMDE employees or the nonprofessional Commissary employees. The Commanders of the Commissary and the USATMDE have remained signatories to the MICOM professional, and the MICOM/USACOM nonprofessional, collective bargaining agreements. In view of these facts, noting that the changes requested are in order to reflect what is now an accurate identification of the Activities in both of these bargaining units, and that the Union does not object thereto, the requests are hereby granted. Accordingly, the Authority shall order that the certification of the MICOM professional unit be amended to include the name USATMDE, and that the certification of the MICOM/USACOM nonprofessional unit be amended to include the names of the USATMDE and the Commissary. In Case No. 4-CU-30013, the Petitioner, in addition to the name change granted above, seeks to clarify the MICOM professional unit to reflect the accretion of the professional employees of the Patriot Project Office, who have been part of Local 1858's certified mixed unit of professional and nonprofessional employees, into the MICOM professional unit. In Case No. 4-CU-30014, the Petitioner, in addition to the name change granted above, seeks to clarify the MICOM/USACOM nonprofessional unit to reflect the accretion of the nonprofessional employees of the Patriot Project Office, who have been part of Local 1858's certified mixed unit of professional and nonprofessional employees, into the MICOM/USACOM nonprofessional unit. Local 1858 opposes these requested changes, arguing only that, as the professional employees voted for inclusion with the nonprofessional employees, the Patriot Project Office mixed unit should remain intact. As noted above, Local 1858 was certified on May 6, 1983, as the exclusive bargaining representative of all professional and nonprofessional employees of the Patriot Project Office. On June 20, 1983, the Patriot Project Office was transferred from DARCOM to MICOM. No collective bargaining agreement had yet been negotiated when this reorganization took place. As a result of the transfer, the MICOM personnel office, on July 26, 1983, informed Local 1858 that it would consider the provisions of the MICOM professional unit's collective bargaining agreement applicable thereafter to the professional employees of the Patriot Project Office, and the provisions of the MICOM/USACOM nonprofessional unit's collective bargaining agreement applicable thereafter to the nonprofessional employees of the Patriot Project Office. Prior to the transfer to MICOM, Patriot Project Office personnel records were maintained at the MICOM personnel office and the MICOM personnel office furnished all personnel support and services for the Patriot Project Office pursuant to a service agreement with the Patriot Project Office Commander. Eligibility for vacancies in the Patriot Project Office were MICOM-wide. The record also shows that the employees in the Patriot Project Office and the other MICOM project offices had and continue to share similar job classifications, duties and skills. There was no physical movement of employees, or changes in job classifications or duties, in any of the offices as a result of the transfer of the Patriot Project Office's function to MICOM. So far as the record shows, there has been only one grievance filed by an employee of the Patriot Project Office since the transfer; it was filed and processed under the MICOM professional agreement, without objection from Local 1858. The Authority notes particularly that the professional employees of the Patriot Project Office share similar job classifications, duties and skills with the professional employees in the MICOM unit; likewise, the nonprofessional employees in the Patriot Project Office share similar job classifications, duties and skills with the nonprofessional employees in the MICOM/USACOM unit. The Authority also notes that eligibility for job vacancies among the professional or nonprofessional employees, respectively, have been and continue to be MICOM-wide; that personnel services are uniformly shared; and that the only reason for the separation of the Patriot Project Office employees from the MICOM bargaining units prior to reorganization would appear to have been that such employees were under separate DARCOM Command. Furthermore, the Authority notes that Local 1858 has been and continues to be the exclusive representative of all employees involved. In view of the above, the Authority shall grant the requested clarification of the MICOM unit of professional employees to include the professional employees in the Patriot Project Office, and the Authority shall also grant the requested clarification of the MICOM/USACOM unit of nonprofessional employees to include the nonprofessional employees in the Patriot Project Office, as all such employees share respective communities of interest, and as such units, as clarified, will promote effective dealings and efficiency of agency operations. Department of the Navy, Naval Hospital, Submarine Base Bangor Clinic, Bremerton, Washington, 15 FLRA No. 23 (1984). Accordingly, the Authority shall order that the MICOM professional unit be clarified by including the professional employees of the Patriot Project Office, and that the MICOM/USACOM nonprofessional unit be clarified by including the nonprofessional employees of the Patriot Project Office. ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, in Case No. 4-CU-30013, that the unit of all professional employees of the U.S. Army Missile Command, located in Huntsville, Alabama, for which the American Federation of Government Employees, Local 1858, AFL-CIO, was certified as the exclusive bargaining representative on September 28, 1976, be, and it hereby is, clarified to include in said unit all eligible professional employees of the Patriot Project Office previously under the U.S. Army Materiel Development and Readiness Command, and who are now under the U.S. Army Missile Command. IT IS HEREBY FURTHER ORDERED, in Case No. 4-CU-30013, that the certification of the bargaining unit of all professional employees be, and it hereby is, amended to reflect the change of the Activity's name from U.S. Army Missile Command to U.S. Army Missile Command; U.S. Army Test, Measurement and Diagnostic Equipment Support Group, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, in Case No. 4-CU-30014, that the unit of all nonprofessional employees of the U.S. Army Missile Command, located in Huntsville, Alabama, for which the American Federation of Government Employees, Local 1858, AFL-CIO, was recognized as the exclusive bargaining representative on May 8, 1967, as amended on June 27, 1975, to include the U.S. Army Communications Command Agency - Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, be, and it hereby is, clarified to include in said unit all eligible nonprofessional employees of the Patriot Project Office previously under the U.S. Army Materiel Development and Readiness Command, and who are now under the U.S. Army Missile Command. IT IS HEREBY FURTHER ORDERED, in Case No. 4-CU-30014, that the certification of the bargaining unit of all nonprofessional employees be, and it hereby is, amended to reflect the change of the Activity's name from U.S. Army Missile Command, U.S. Army Communications Command Agency Redstone Arsenal, Alabama to U.S. Army Missile Command; U.S. Army Communications Command Agency - Redstone Arsenal, Alabama; U.S. Army Commissary; U.S. Army Test, Measurement and Diagnostic Equipment Support Group, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama. Issued, Washington, D.C., March 11, 1985 Henry B. Frazier III, Acting Chairman William J. McGinnis, Jr., Member FEDERAL LABOR RELATIONS AUTHORITY --------------- FOOTNOTES$ --------------- /1/ The parties are in agreement that this unit included all professional employees of the U.S. Army Test, Measurement and Diagnostic Equipment Support Group (USATMDE), although USATMDE does not appear by name in the certification.