15:0962(179)CU - Defense Logistics Agency, Defense Contract Administration Services Region Cleveland, Defense Contract Administration Services Plant Representative Office, Goodyear Aerospace, Akron, OH and NFFE Local 73 and AFGE Sixth District; Defense Logistics Agency, Defense Contract Administration Services Region Cleveland, Defense Contract Administration Services Plant Representative Office, Goodyear Aerospace, Akron, OH and AFGE Sixth District -- 1984 FLRAdec RP
[ v15 p962 ]
The decision of the Authority follows:
15 FLRA No. 179 DEFENSE LOGISTICS AGENCY DEFENSE CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION SERVICES REGION CLEVELAND, DEFENSE CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION SERVICES PLANT REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE, GOODYEAR AEROSPACE, AKRON, OHIO Activity and NATIONAL FEDERATION OF FEDERAL EMPLOYEES, LOCAL 73 Labor Organization/Petitioner and AMERICAN FEDERATION OF GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES, AFL-CIO, SIXTH DISTRICT Intervenor /1/ Case No. 5-CU-30008 DEFENSE LOGISTICS AGENCY DEFENSE CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION SERVICES REGION CLEVELAND, DEFENSE CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION SERVICES PLANT REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE, GOODYEAR AEROSPACE, AKRON, OHIO Activity and AMERICAN FEDERATION OF GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES, AFL-CIO, SIXTH DISTRICT Labor Organization/Petitioner Case No. 5-RO-30012 DECISION, ORDER AND DIRECTION OF ELECTION Upon petitions duly filed under section 7111(b)(1) and (2) of the Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute (the Statute), a consolidated hearing was held before a hearing officer of the Authority. The hearing officer's rulings made at the hearing are free from prejudicial error and are hereby affirmed. Upon the entire record in this case, including the contentions of the parties, the Authority makes the following findings: The Petitioner in Case No. 5-CU-30008, National Federation of Federal Employees, Local 73 (NFFE), seeks to accrete approximately 43 non-professional employees of the Defense Contract Administration Services Plant Representative Office, Goodyear Aerospace (DCASPRO Goodyear Aerospace) to its existing unit consisting of non-professional employees at Defense Contract Administration Services Region Cleveland Headquarters (DCASR Cleveland Headquarters), Defense Contract Administration Services Management Area Cleveland (DCASMA Cleveland) and DCASPRO Gould. The NFFE contends that the employees at issue should accrete to its current unit, as such unit would be more appropriate than the unit proposed by AFGE in its petition in Case No. 5-RO-30012. In arguing this position, the NFFE asserts that the non-professional employees of DCASPRO Goodyear Aerospace share a greater community of interest with the non-professional employees in its current unit than with the non-professional employees in AFGE's current unit. AFGE, the Petitioner in Case No. 5-RO-30012, seeks elections among the employees of DCASPRO Goodyear Aerospace to determine whether the non-professional employees wish to be represented by AFGE as part of the consolidated AFGE-Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) non-professional unit and whether the professional employees wish to be represented by AFGE as part of the consolidated AFGE-DLA professional unit. The Activity's position is that either the unit proposed by NFFE Local 73 or the two units proposed by AFGE would be appropriate based on the parties' bargaining history and current labor-management dealings. The Activity further contends that the DCASPRO Goodyear Aerospace non-professional employees did not accrete to the existing NFFE Local 73 unit, and that an election is the proper method for either union to gain exclusive recognition. The event that led to the filing of these petitions was a transfer of plant contract services at Goodyear Aerospace from the Navy Sea Systems Command to DCASR Cleveland on June 27, 1982. From the record, it does not appear that the employees sought were represented by any labor organization while they were under the Navy Sea Systems Command. DCASR Cleveland is one of nine field regions of the Defense Logistics Agency. It provides contract administration services in support of the Department of Defense and other Federal agencies. The Activity has a regional headquarters and other offices in various locations throughout the geographic area under its jurisdiction which are responsible for achieving the Activity's mission. These second level offices are called "DCASMAs" and "DCASPROs." DCASMAs perform contract administration services for government agencies served by the Activity in a particular geographical area, while the DCASPROs are established to serve a single contractor and to provide specified operational contract administration services in support of agencies served by the Activity. Each reports directly to the Activity. AFGE represents employees in three of the five Activity DCASMAs, including those in Detroit, Grand Rapids and Ottawa, as part of its professional and non-professional consolidated nationwide AFGE-DLA units. NFFE Local 75 represents professional and non-professional employees of DCASMA Dayton in a single unit. NFFE Local 73 represents non-professional employees of DCASMA Cleveland as part of its DCASR Cleveland non-professional unit. There are currently four DCASPROs within DCASR Cleveland, including DCASPRO Goodyear Aerospace. DCASPROs Williams International and Teledyne CA & E are part of the AFGE-DLA consolidated nationwide units. /2/ DCASPRO Gould is part of the NFFE Local 73 DCASR Cleveland non-professional unit. NFFE Local 73 also represents the non-professional employees of DCASR Cleveland Headquarters. In sum, both AFGE and NFFE currently represent employees in units similar to the employees sought at DCASPRO Goodyear Aerospace. The only unrepresented employees of DCASR Cleveland are the DCASPRO Goodyear Aerospace professional and non-professional employees and the professional employees of DCASR Cleveland Headquarters, DCASMA Cleveland and DCASPRO Gould. The record reveals that the commanders of DCASPRO Goodyear Aerospace and DCASMA Cleveland report directly to the DCASR Cleveland Commander and that their organizational levels are parallel; that DCASPRO Goodyear Aerospace Commander has hiring and promotion authority; personnel actions by the DCASPRO Goodyear Aerospace Commander are reviewed by DCASR Cleveland for compliance with EEO statutes; DCASPRO Goodyear Aerospace Commander has discharge authority with procedural review at DCASR Cleveland level; the minimum area of consideration for merit promotion in grades one to six is the commuting area which includes DCASR Cleveland Headquarters, DCASMA Cleveland, DCASPRO Gould and DCASPRO Goodyear Aerospace; the Commander of DCASPRO Goodyear Aerospace has used a DCASR-wide area for merit promotions; and for reductions-in-force, the competitive area would include DCASR Cleveland Headquarters, DCASMA Cleveland, DCASPRO Gould and DCASPRO Goodyear Aerospace. Job contact between DCASMA Cleveland and DCASPRO Goodyear Aerospace employees is limited. There are infrequent safety inspections during which DCASPRO employees accompany DCASMA employees at the plant, and some contact is made in performing Contract Data Input Function and Industrial Preparedness and Readiness Plant Preparation. Also, with the transfer of function from Navy Sea Systems Command, DCASR Cleveland Headquarters, assumed responsibility for personnel, labor relations, some initial training, and fiscal servicing for DCASPRO Goodyear Aerospace. Based on the foregoing, the Authority finds that the non-professional employees of DCASPRO Goodyear Aerospace share a community of interest with the employees currently in the non-professional unit represented by NFFE Local 73. However, the record does not show that the DCASPRO Goodyear Aerospace employees accreted to NFFE's unit when they were transferred into DCASR Cleveland from Navy Sea Systems Command, as they have not become so intermingled with other employees in the NFFE Local 73's unit as to lose their separate identity. In this regard, the evidence shows that although the DCASPRO Goodyear Aerospace employees are in the same commuting area as the employees NFFE currently represents, they are still geographically separate, have limited contact with and are organizationally independent of the employees represented by NFFE. The Authority will find an accretion only where the evidence clearly shows that the employees at issue have been so organizationally and operationally integrated with the employees of the established exclusively recognized unit as to lose their separate identity. Having found otherwise herein, the Authority shall dismiss NFFE's petition in Case No. 5-CU-30008 seeking to accrete the non-professional employees of DCASPRO Goodyear Aerospace into its established exclusively recognized unit. See e.g., U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 8 FLRA 176 (1982). /3/ The Authority finds further that AFGE's petition in Case No. 5-RO-30012 raises a question concerning representation regarding the employees of DCASPRO Goodyear Aerospace. The Activity's position is that either the non-professional unit proposed by NFFE Local 73 in Case No. 5-CU-30008 or the two units proposed by AFGE would be appropriate based on the parties' bargaining history and current labor-management dealings. The Authority agrees. Thus, based on past bargaining history and labor-management dealings, including a regional supplemental agreement for the AFGE unit employees in DCASR Cleveland, inclusion in either the AFGE-DLA consolidated nationwide units or the NFFE Local 73's DCASR Cleveland unit would result in effective dealings and efficiency of agency operations. Further, the DCASPRO Goodyear Aerospace employees would share a community of interest with employees of either unit, since they share common agency missions and functions. Therefore, both the unit, NFFE Local 73 sought through accretion, and the two units petitioned for by AFGE meet the criteria of section 7112(a)(1) of the Statute /4/ and are appropriate. In view of this finding, which recognizes that the considerations in favor of each are evenly balanced, the determining factor should be the desire of the employees themselves. The Authority concludes that a self-determination election must be held. /5/ The Authority concludes that it would effectuate the purposes and policies of the Statute to allow NFFE Local 73, if it chooses, to participate in the election to be held. This conclusion is based on the fact that NFFE Local 73 is considered by the Authority to be a party under section 2421.11 of the Authority's Rules and Regulations by reason of its filing of the petition in Case No. 5-CU-30008 seeking to accrete the non-professional employees in question and its being represented at the consolidated hearing in this matter. Accordingly, NFFE Local 73 may be placed on the ballot if it submits to the appropriate Regional Director within 10 days of the date below sufficient showing of interest to support intervention. /6/ The elections will be conducted in the following voting groups: Voting Group (a): All nonsupervisory professional employees of the Defense Contract Administration Services Region Cleveland, Defense Contract Administration Plant Representative Office, Goodyear Aerospace, Akron, Ohio, excluding all non-professional employees, management officials, supervisors and employees described in section 7112(b)(2), (3), (4), (6) and (7) of the Statute. Voting Group (b): All nonsupervisory non-professional employees of the Defense Contract Administration Services Region Cleveland, Defense Contract Administration Plant Representative Office, Goodyear Aerospace, Akron, Ohio, excluding all professional employees, management officials, supervisors and employees described in section 7112(b)(2), (3), (4), (6) and (7) of the Statute. The employees in voting group (a) will be asked whether they wish to be represented for the purpose of exclusive recognition by AFGE or no union. If a majority of the employees in voting group (a) vote for AFGE, they will be taken to have indicated their desire to be included in the existing AFGE-DLA nationwide consolidated professional unit and the appropriate Regional Director will issue a certification to that effect. The employees in voting group (b) will be asked whether they wish to be represented for the purpose of exclusive recognition by AFGE, NFFE Local 73, /7/ or neither. If a majority of the employees in voting group (b) vote for AFGE, they will be taken to have indicated their desire to be included in the existing AFGE-DLA nationwide consolidated non-professional unit and the appropriate Regional Director will issue a certification to that effect. If a majority of the employees in voting group (b) vote for NFFE Local 73, they will be taken to have indicated their desire to be included in the existing NFFE Local 73 DCASR Cleveland non-professional unit and the appropriate Regional Director will issue a certification to that effect. ORDER AND DIRECTION OF ELECTION An election by secret ballot shall be conducted among the employees in the voting groups described above as soon as feasible. The appropriate Regional Director shall supervise or conduct the election, as appropriate, subject to the Authority's Rules and Regulations. Eligible to vote are those in the respective voting groups who were employed during the payroll period immediately preceding the date below, including employees who did not work during that period because they were out ill, or on vacation or on furlough, including those in the military service who appear in person at the polls. Ineligible to vote are employees who have quit or were discharged for cause since the designated payroll period and who have not been rehired or reinstated before the election date. Those eligible to vote in voting group (a) shall vote on whether they desire to be represented for the purpose of exclusive recognition by AFGE, or by no union. Those eligible to vote in voting group (b), subject to the proviso above regarding NFFE Local 73, shall vote whether they desire to be represented for the purpose of exclusive recognition by AFGE, by NFFE Local 73, or neither. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the petition in Case No. 5-CU-30008 be, and it hereby is, dismissed. Issued, Washington, D.C., August 31, 1984 Barbara J. Mahone, Chairman Ronald W. Haughton, Member Henry B. Frazier III, Member FEDERAL LABOR RELATIONS AUTHORITY --------------- FOOTNOTES$ --------------- /1/ The American Federation of Government Employees, AFL-CIO, Sixth District (AFGE) was granted intervenor status in Case No. 5-CU-30008 at the hearing. /2/ See Defense Logistics Agency, Defense Contract Administration Services Region, Cleveland, Ohio, 11 FLRA No. 97 (1983). /3/ NFFE's position is that the employees at issue should accrete to its unit because the employees have a greater community of interest with the employees in its unit than with the employees in AFGE's unit. As noted, this is not the test for an accretion. /4/ Section 7112(a)(1) provides: Sec. 7112. Determination of appropriate units for labor organization representation (a)(1) The Authority shall determine the appropriateness of any unit. The Authority shall determine in each case whether, in order to ensure employees the fullest freedom in exercising the rights guaranteed under this chapter, the appropriate unit should be established on an agency, plant, installation, functional, or other basis and shall determine any unit to be an appropriate unit only if the determination will ensure a clear and identifiable community of interest among the employees in the unit and will promote effective dealings with, and efficiency of the operations of, the agency involved. /5/ See, e.g., Department of Defense Dependents Schools, 6 FLRA 297, 310 (1981), wherein the Authority similarly concluded that a self-determination election would best effectuate the policies of the Statute. /6/ See Section 2422.5 of the Authority's Rules and Regulations where a showing of interest of 10 percent (10%) or more of the employees at issue is required for intervention. /7/ As noted above, NFFE Local 73 must submit a timely and sufficient showing of interest in order to appear on the ballot.