15:0060(14)RA - FAA, Aviation Standards National Field Office and AFGE Locals 2123, 2335, 2555, 3028, 3433, NAFSE, NAGE Local R8-14, NFFE Local 1340 -- 1984 FLRAdec RP
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The decision of the Authority follows:
15 FLRA No. 14 FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION AVIATION STANDARDS NATIONAL FIELD OFFICE Activity/Petitioner and AMERICAN FEDERATION OF GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES, AFL-CIO, LOCAL 2123 AMERICAN FEDERATION OF GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES, AFL-CIO, LOCAL 2335 AMERICAN FEDERATION OF GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES, AFL-CIO, LOCAL 2555 AMERICAN FEDERATION OF GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES, AFL-CIO, LOCAL 3028 AMERICAN FEDERATION OF GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES, AFL-CIO, LOCAL 3433 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FLIGHT STANDARDS EMPLOYEES NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES, LOCAL R8-14 NATIONAL FEDERATION OF FEDERAL EMPLOYEES, LOCAL 1340 Labor Organizations Case No. 6-RA-20004 DECISION AND ORDER CLARIFYING UNITS Upon a petition duly filed under section 7111(b)(2) of the Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute (the Statute), a hearing was held before a hearing officer of the Authority. The hearing officer's rulings are free from prejudicial error and are hereby affirmed. Upon the entire record in this case, including the parties' contentions, the Authority finds: The petition herein was filed by the Activity pursuant to section 2422.2(b) of the Authority's Rules and Regulations on the basis that an internal agency reorganization substantially changed the character and scope of nine existing bargaining units so as to render them no longer appropriate for the purpose of exclusive recognition under the Statute. /1/ The issue before the Authority is whether the record supports the Activity's contention that the reorganization substantially changed the scope and character of the nine existing bargaining units in question. The record reveals that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is organizationally comprised, in part, of a number of regions which, along with the Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center in Oklahoma City, report directly to the FAA Administrator. There are also a number of offices, services and a Technical Center in Atlantic City which report through one of five Associate Administrators to the FAA Administrator. On July 1, 1982, a reorganization occurred within FAA under which several existing components were administratively transferred into a new Aviation Standards National Field Office (AVN). Headquartered in Oklahoma City, AVN is a tenant organization of the Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center (Aeronautical Center). The mission of AVN is to promote safety of flight by assuring the adequacy and accuracy of air navigation facilities; to develop and standardize flight procedures; to provide for the maintenance and engineering of the FAA aircraft fleet; and to provide regulatory and standards development. Organizationally, AVN consists of an Office of the Director; an Executive Staff; and three divisions-- Regulatory Support, Flight Programs, and Aircraft Maintenance and Engineering. Each division contains various subordinate branches, and the Flight Programs Division also contains eleven Flight Inspection Field Offices (FIFOs) at various locations worldwide. The establishment of AVN brought together several components of the FAA which contained the units of exclusive recognition that are the subject of the petition herein. Specifically, AVN organizationally merged 585 positions of the Flight Standards National Field Office (FSNFO), including its ten FIFOs, which previously had been located in the Office of Flight Operations; approximately 60 positions in the Aircraft Services Branch, physically located in and formerly organizationally a component of the FAA Technical Center in Atlantic City, New Jersey; 319 positions of the Aircraft Services Base at the Aeronautical Center; and 58 positions from both the Flight Inspection District Office and Maintenance Base located in FAA's Alaskan Region. In sum, 1021 positions were administratively transferred into AVN. As noted above, nine units of exclusive recognition existed in the FAA components which were administratively transferred to form AVN. Four unions represent the nine units as follows: the National Association of Flight Standards Employees (NAFSE), certified as the exclusive representative on July 31, 1978, represents in a single unit various employees of the Regulatory Support and Flight Programs Divisions, formerly located in FSNFO, as well as employees of the Atlantic City, Frankfurt, Los Angeles, Minneapolis and Seattle FIFOs, and certain employees of the Atlantic FIFO; the American Federation of Government Employees, AFL-CIO (AFGE) Local 2123, which was granted recognition on June 14, 1963, represents a unit of employees at the Atlanta FIFO Maintenance Base; AFGE Local 3433, certified on November 26, 1973, represents a unit of employees at the Battle Creek FIFO; AFGE Local 2555, recognized on January 3, 1968, represents employees of the Honolulu and Tokyo FIFOs in a single unit; AFGE Local 2335 was certified on September 14, 1976, and represents aircraft inspection personnel at the FAA Technical Center in Atlantic City; the National Federation of Federal Employees (NFFE) Local 1340, certified on August 17, 1979, represents a unit consisting of 760 employees at the Technical Center in Atlantic City, approximately 60 of whom were organizationally transferred to AVN; the National Association of Government Employees (NAGE) Local R8-14, recognized on May 19, 1969, represents a unit of wage grade employees at the Aircraft Services Base, located at the Aeronautical Center; and AFGE Local 3028 represents two units in the Alaskan Region-- aircraft mechanics at the Anchorage Aircraft Maintenance Base, recognized on September 10, 1968, and employees of the Anchorage FIFO, which unit was granted recognition on June 10, 1966. The Activity takes the position that these nine bargaining units are no longer appropriate as a result of the reorganization which established AVN for the following reasons: the Activity's components which had granted exclusive recognition with respect to the foregoing bargaining units no longer exist following the reorganization; the employees in each of the units do not share a community of interest separate and distinct from the employees in the other units or from other AVN employees; and the administration of nine separate units with potentially as many different collective bargaining agreements would not promote effective dealings and efficiency of agency operations. The Activity further argues that a unit consisting of all eligible AVN employees would constitute an appropriate unit under the Statute. The unions argue essentially that the reorganization did not change the scope and character of the existing units so as to render them inappropriate for purposes of exclusive recognition. Section 7135(a)(1) of the Statute provides for the continuation of exclusive recognitions in existence before the effective date of the Statute. /2/ Where an agency seeks to challenge the continuation of an exclusively recognized unit, it may do so by filing a petition pursuant to the Authority's Rules and Regulations, such as that filed by the Activity herein under section 2422.2(b), set forth at n.1, supra. In the instant case, the Activity claimed that an internal reorganization had rendered inappropriate nine preexisting units of exclusive recognition. The Authority therefore must determine, based on the record evidence, whether the reorganization has substantially changed the character and scope of any of the units so that the Activity is no longer required to recognize the incumbent labor organization(s) as the exclusive representative(s) of the employees in such unit(s). See, e.g., Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Mid-Atlantic Regional Office, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 11 FLRA No. 104 (1983). See also Western Regional Office, National Park Service, San Francisco, California, 10 FLRA No. 86 (1982). The effect of the reorganization on each unit in question will be examined in turn below. As noted above, the creation of AVN merged four existing organizational components. First, with regard to the Flight Standards National Field Office, the record indicates that prior to the reorganization, this component was located in the Office of Flight Operations and consisted of seven branches and ten FIFOs (all those which are currently in existence with the exception of the Anchorage FIFO). Units of exclusive recognition existed in certain branches and the ten FIFOs by the unions which continued to represent the employees after the reorganization. /3/ Additionally, the record indicates that certain of these units existed in FSNFO's predecessor, so that several of the units which were transferred to AVN and which the Activity claims to be no longer appropriate as a result of the establishment of AVN existed in two predecessor organizations. Prior to the reorganization, FSNFO reported to the Associate Administrator for Aviation Standards who reported to the FAA Administrator. Personnel services for FSNFO employees were provided by the Aeronautical Center and FSNFO constituted a separate employing jurisdiction. Policy guidance for FSNFO was provided by the Office of Flight Operations. Following the reorganization, the employees formerly in FSNFO and now in AVN continue to be serviced by the Aeronautical Center, and AVN similarly reports to the Associate Administrator for Aviation Standards who reports to the FAA Administrator. Policy guidance continues to be provided by the Office of Flight Operations. In terms of working conditions, the record further reveals that the employees of the former FSNFO continue to perform the same duties, under the same immediate supervision, and in the same physical location as prior to the reorganization. The competitive area for reductions-in-force is the local commuting area, as is the area of consideration for certain merit promotion positions. The area of consideration for other merit promotion positions is AVN-wide. In the Authority's view, the scope and character of the units of exclusive recognition represented by AFGE Local 2123 at the Atlanta FIFO Maintenance Base; AFGE Local 3433 at the Battle Creek FIFO; and NAFSE in the Regulatory Support and Flight Programs Divisions, the Atlantic City, Frankfurt, Los Angeles, Minneapolis and Seattle FIFOs and part of the Atlanta FIFO were not substantially changed by the reorganization which resulted in the establishment of AVN. Thus, the units of employees previously represented in FSNFO were transferred intact into AVN; the employees continue to be serviced by the Aeronautical Center; have the same overall reporting structure; receive policy guidance from the same office; and the employees perform the same duties under the same immediate supervision and in the same physical location as they did prior to the reorganization. Under these circumstances, the Authority finds that the reorganization did not substantially change the character and scope of these existing units and that they should continue to be exclusively represented by AFGE Local 2123, AFGE Local 3433 and NAFSE, respectively. /4/ With regard to the employees in the Tokyo and Honolulu FIFOs, the record reveals that they have been represented, along with other employees located elsewhere in the Pacific, in a single unit by AFGE Local 2555 since 1968. In 1981, the employees assigned to the Tokyo and Honolulu FIFOs were transferred into FSNFO and thereafter into AVN. Prior to 1981, the employees in the Tokyo and Honolulu FIFOs were part of FAA's Western-pacific Region. As such, they reported through the Region to the FAA Administrator, were in the Region's employing jurisdiction and were serviced by the Region's personnel division. Since the establishment of AVN, these employees are now assigned to AVN's Flight Programs Division, have a different reporting structure, are in a different employing jurisdiction and are serviced by a different personnel office. In view of these factors, the Authority finds that the unit of employees represented by AFGE Local 2555 must be clarified to exclude those employees assigned to the Tokyo and Honolulu FIFOs. /5/ In so concluding, the Authority does not pass upon whether the unit represented by AFGE Local 2555, excluding such employees, continues to be appropriate for the purpose of exclusive recognition inasmuch as that question has not been raised herein and the record therefore contains insufficient evidence on which to base a determination. The second component which was merged into AVN consisted of two units of employees represented by AFGE Local 3028 and located in FAA's Alaskan Region: The Aircraft Maintenance Unit which was recognized in 1968 and the Anchorage FIFO originally recognized in 1966. When AVN was created, these two units of employees were established as the Anchorage FIFO which is organizationally a part of AVN's Flight Programs Division, as are the other ten FIFOs, and which now reports through Flight Programs to the Director of AVN who in turn reports to the FAA Administrator. Prior to the reorganization, the employees reported through the Region to the FAA Administrator, were serviced by the Region's personnel division, and were in the Region's employing jurisdiction. Now, the employees are serviced by the Aeronautical Center for personnel and labor relations matters; are in a different employing jurisdiction; are subject to different personnel policies and practices; have different reporting lines and different overall supervision; and have a new and expanded mission. Based upon the foregoing, the Authority finds that the reorganization has substantially changed the character and scope of these units so that the Activity is no longer obligated to recognize AFGE Local 3028 as the exclusive representative of such units. The third component to become a part of AVN was the Aircraft Services Base in which NAGE Local R8-14 has represented a unit of wage grade employees since 1969. Located physically in and formerly organizationally a component of the Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center in Oklahoma City, the Aircraft Services Base was essentially reconstituted in AVN as part of the Aircraft Maintenance and Engineering Division, one of AVN's three divisions. Additionally, two units which were formerly assigned to the FAA Technical Center in Atlantic City, and which will be discussed more fully below, were transferred organizationally into this Division. The Aircraft Maintenance and Engineering Division has technical authority over the maintenance functions performed in the FIFOs. One branch of the Division (AVN-310) performs this function for nine FIFOs, which another branch (AVN-350) performs the function for the Atlantic City FIFO, and yet a third branch (AVN-330) handles the Oklahoma City FIFO. Additionally, this Division has expanded the scope of its responsibilities by exercising a maintenance function over additional FAA aircraft. Prior to the reorganization, the Aircraft Services Base reported to the Director of the Aeronautical Center who reported to the FAA Administrator. The reorganization altered this reporting line so that now the Division reports to the Director of AVN who reports to the Associate Administrator for Aviation Standards who in turn reports to the Administrator. Both before and after the reorganization, the Aeronautical Center provided personnel services, although the employees were a part of the Aircraft Services Base employing jurisdiction prior to the reorganization, while they are now a part of AVN's employing jurisdiction. The Authority finds that the reorganization has substantially altered the character and scope of this unit. Thus, the employees now report to a different supervisory structure, are in a different employing jurisdiction, have expanded responsibilities, and are assigned to a division together with other AVN employees. Under these circumstances, the Authority finds that the Activity is under no obligation to continue to recognize NAGE Local R8-14 as the exclusive representative in this unit. The fourth component from which employees were transferred into AVN is the FAA Technical Center in Atlantic City, New Jersey. As noted previously, there were two units of exclusive recognition which were affected by the transfer: a unit of employees represented by AFGE Local 2335; and approximately 60 employees in a larger unit represented by NFFE Local 1340, which continues to represent the approximately 700 employees who did not functionally transfer into AVN. Although physically located at the Technical Center, these employees were organizationally transferred into the Aircraft Maintenance and Engineering Division, which, as noted above, also contains employees previously assigned to the Aircraft Services Base. Prior to the reorganization, the Personnel Management Division at the Technical Center provided personnel and labor relations services to the employees in these units, whereas the Aeronautical Center is now performing this function. Additionally, these employees, who were previously part of the Technical Center employing jurisdiction, are now a part of the AVN employing jurisdiction. The reporting lines are different inasmuch as the employees currently report through AVN to the Administrator, whereas previously they had reported through the Technical Center to the Associate Administrator for Development and Logistics who then reported to the Administrator. In the Authority's view, the character and scope of the unit of employees represented by AFGE Local 2335 was substantially changed as a result of the reorganization and the Activity is no longer obligated to recognize Local 2335 as the exclusive representative of such unit. Thus, the employees are in a different employing jurisdiction, are serviced by a different personnel office, have a different reporting structure, and are functionally merged with other AVN employees. As to the unit of employees represented by NFFE Local 1340, the Authority finds that such unit must be clarified to exclude therefrom the approximately 60 employees who were organizationally transferred into AVN. Thus, such employees have been placed in a different employing jurisdiction, are serviced by a different personnel office, have a different reporting structure, and are functionally merged with other AVN employees. To summarize, the Authority finds that following the establishment of AVN, the units of exclusive recognition represented by AFGE Local 2123 in the Atlanta FIFO Maintenance Base; AFGE Local 3433 in the Battle Creek FIFO; and NAFSE in the Regulatory Support and Flight Programs Divisions, the Atlantic City, Frankfurt, Los Angeles, Minneapolis and Seattle FIFOs, and part of the Atlanta FIFO, remain substantially unchanged and that the Activity is required to continue to recognize them for the purpose of exclusive recognition under the Statute. Accordingly, the RA petition shall be dismissed with respect to these units. The Authority further finds that the reorganization has substantially changed the character and scope of the two units represented by AFGE Local 3028 in the Anchorage FIFO; NAGE Local R8-14 in the Aircraft Maintenance and Engineering Division; and AFGE Local 2335 in the Aircraft Maintenance and Engineering Division, and therefore the Activity is no longer required to recognize the respective labor organizations as the exclusive representatives of the employees in those units. Accordingly, the petition shall be granted with respect to these units. Additionally, with regard to these units, the evidence presented was insufficient to establish that, as a result of the reorganization, the employees previously represented in such units had been added or accreted to any remaining units or exclusive recognition, or that they had been combined with other employees so as to create a new appropriate unit warranting an election. /6/ Finally, the Authority shall clarify the unit represented by AFGE Local 2555 to exclude employees of the Tokyo and Honolulu FIFOs, and the unit represented by NFFE Local 1340 to exclude employees organizationally transferred into AVN. /7/ ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the petition in Case No. 6-RA-20004 challenging the continued appropriateness of the unit of employees assigned to the Aircraft Maintenance Unit in Anchorage, Alaska, for which the American Federation of Government Employees, Local 3028 was granted recognition in 1968; the unit of employees in the Anchorage, Alaska, Flight Inspection District Office, for which the American Federation of Government Employees, Lodge (Local) 3028 was granted recognition in 1966; the unit of wage grade employees in the Aircraft Services Base, for which the National Association of Government Employees, Local R8-14 was granted recognition in 1969; and the unit of General Schedule employees in the Quality Control Section, Aviation Facilities Division, National Aviation Facilities Experimental Center, Atlantic City, New Jersey, for which the American Federation of Government Employees, Local 2335 was certified on September 14, 1976, be, and it hereby is, granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the unit of employees assigned to the Tokyo and Honolulu Flight Inspection Groups, the Manila Avionics Maintenance and Calibration Unit, and the Aircraft Management Branch, for which the American Federation of Government Employees, Lodge (Local) 2555 was granted recognition on January 3, 1968, be clarified to exclude therefrom the employees assigned to the Tokyo and Honolulu Flight Inspection Field Offices in the Aviation Standards National Field Office. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the consolidated unit of nonprofessional employees of the staff and line divisions of the National Aviation Facilities Experimental Center, for which the National Federation of Federal Employees, Local 1340 was certified on August 7, 1979, be clarified to exclude therefrom the employees assigned to the Aviation Standards National Field Office. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the petition in Case No. 6-RA-20004 to the extent that it challenges the continued appropriateness of the bargaining units represented by the American Federation of Government Employees, AFL-CIO, Local 2123, the American Federation of Government Employees, AFL-CIO, Local 3433; and the National Association of Flight Standards Employees be, and it hereby is, dismissed. Issued, Washington, D.C., June 8, 1984 Barbara J. Mahone, Chairman Ronald W. Haughton, Member Henry B. Frazier III, Member FEDERAL LABOR RELATIONS AUTHORITY --------------- FOOTNOTES$ --------------- /1/ Section 2422.2(b) of the Authority's Rules and Regulations provides as follows: Sec. 2422.2 Contents of petition; procedures for consolidation of existing exclusively recognized units; filing and service of petition; challenges to petition. (b) Activity or agency petition seeking clarification of a matter relating to representation; employee petition for an election to determine whether a labor organization should cease to be an exclusive representative. (1) A petition by an activity or agency shall be submitted on a form prescribed by the Authority and shall contain . . . a statement that the activity or agency has a good faith doubt, based on objective considerations, that the currently recognized or certified labor organization represents a majority of the employees in the existing unit, or a statement that because of a substantial change in the character and scope of the unit, the agency or activity has a good faith doubt that such unit is now appropriate. Attached to the petition shall be a detailed explanation of the reasons supporting the good faith doubt. See also section 2422.1(c) of the Authority's Rules and Regulations to the same effect. /2/ Section 7135(a)(1) of the Statute provides as follows: Sec. 7135. Continuation of existing laws, recognitions, agreements, and procedures (a) Nothing contained in this chapter shall preclude-- (1) the renewal or continuation of an exclusive recognition, certification of an exclusive representative, or a lawful agreement between an agency and an exclusive representative of its employees, which is entered into before the effective date of this chapter(.) /3/ The record indicates that the Oklahoma City FIFO, previously represented by AFGE, was, on some unspecified date, decertified. /4/ See, e.g., Defense Contracts Administration Services Region, Boston, Massachusetts, 8 FLRA No. 66 (1982), with respect to the Singer-Link and IBM Owego units. /5/ See United States Department of the Navy, Naval Avionics Center, Indianapolis, Indiana, 11 FLRA No. 98 (1983), and cases cited therein. /6/ While it has been found that certain units are no longer in existence and that, therefore, the Activity is under no obligation to recognize the exclusive representatives with respect to the employees formerly in these units, it is noted that this finding would not preclude the exclusive representatives involved herein, or any other within the agency from seeking, through an appropriate clarification of unit petition, a determination as to whether or not any of these employees have accreted to any existing exclusively recognized unit at the Activity, which none of the labor organizations here sought to do, or for any labor organization to seek through an appropriate petition a determination as to whether or not a new unit (or units) appropriate for the purpose of exclusive recognition, have been established as a result of the establishment of AVN. /7/ In view of the foregoing findings, noting particularly that certain units have remained appropriate following the establishment of AVN, the appropriateness of an AVN-wide unit.