Capt. Scott R. Marchand For the Respondent
Yolanda Shepherd-Eckford For the General Counsel
Before: Eli Nash, Jr. Administrative Law Judge
Statement of Case
This case arose under the Federal Service Labor- Management Relations Statute, Chapter 71 of Title 5 of the U.S. Code, 5 U.S.C. 7101, et seq. (herein the Statute). On an unfair labor practice charges filed by the captioned Charging Party (herein the Union) against the captioned Respondent, the General Counsel of the Federal Labor Relations Authority (herein the Authority), by the Regional Director for the San Francisco Regional Office, issued a Consolidated Complaint and Notice of Hearing alleging Respondent violated section 7116(a)(1) and (2) of the Statute by issuing a counselling memorandum to a union steward; making an entry in an employee's 971 file; and, requiring the employee to take annual leave in connection with his attendance at a training session because these employees each engaged in protected activity. The Consolidated Complaint also alleges that Respondent violated section 7116(a)(1) of the Statute by making threatening statements to an employee concerning his protected activity.
A hearing on the Consolidated Complaint was conducted in
Spokane, Washington at which all parties were afforded full
opportunity to adduce evidence, call, examine and cross-examine
witnesses and argue orally. Briefs were filed by Respondent and the
General Counsel and have been carefully considered.
Upon the entire record in this matter, my observation of the
witnesses and their demeanor and from my evaluation of the evidence
I make the following:
Findings of Fact
The Union is the exclusive representative of a unit of
employees at the Respondent. At all times material herein, Danny
Spiller was a Union steward who represented employees in
Respondent's Vehicle Maintenance Shop (herein called the Shop).
Spiller also conveyed complaints in the Shop to the Union
President, David Newlun and Chief Steward, Michael Sveska for
additional action, if he was unable to personally resolve
On or about June 20, 1991, Spiller wrote a letter of inquiry
raising the possibility that an employee had been pre-selected for
a position in the Shop. The Union submitted the letter to
Respondent's Civilian Personnel Office (herein called CPO). Ben
Lynch, a Labor Relations Specialist and the Acting Civilian
Personnel Officer at the Respondent responded to Spiller's letter,
denying the validity of Spiller's complaint.
Sometime in early August 1991, employees in the Shop were
issued performance appraisals for the February 1990-June 1991
appraisal period. Some employees received lower appraisals and
registered their complaints with Spiller, who submitted the
employees' complaints to the Union President and Chief Steward.
Later in August, the Union filed grievances on behalf of four Shop
employees who complained about their performance appraisal ratings.
The grievances worked their way through the negotiated grievance
procedure from August 1991 through October 1991. Spiller and Arnold
Knuth were among the four employees who grieved their appraisals.
Prior to the four performance appraisal grievances filed in August,
there had never been a grievance filed by, or on behalf of any
employee working in the Shop.
Approximately 15-20 civilian employees work in the Shop.
Warren Greenwood, the Vehicle Maintenance Officer is in charge.
Sergeant Mischel, the Maintenance Chief, two first level
supervisors, Sergeant Raymond AuCoin and Tech. Sergeant LeMay, and
LeMay's Assistant, Sergeant Albert Renshaw are all under Greenwood
in the Shop. Knuth's grievance alleged that he had been improperly
rated by AuCoin.
Employee witnesses testified to a certain tenseness in the
Shop atmosphere after the grievances were filed. One grievant,
Duane Renz explained that the tenseness resulted from the grievants
being closely watched by management. Another grievant, Spiller,
noted the change in tone utilized by his supervisor, Renshaw, when
addressing him.
Sometime in August, 1991, after the filing of the grievances
Lynch conducted an aggressive campaign, seemingly aimed at Spiller,
to dissuade the Union from pursuing the grievances.(1) On one occasion, Spiller was in the CPO
concerning another matter, and Lynch, approached him and initiated
a discussion concerning the grievances. Lynch told Spiller that the
grievances were unnecessary and that the performance appraisals
were "good enough". Lynch further stated to Spiller that the
grievances would just cause him more work and that it didn't matter
whether the employees won the grievances or not, they would
lose.(2) Spiller replied that the
employees had not been counselled and there was no documentation to
justify lower appraisals. Spiller's uncontroverted testimony
establishes that Lynch replied, "If documentations [sic] what you
want, documentations [sic] what you're going to get."
On another occasion, Lynch phoned Spiller while he was at
home on sick leave and tried to convince Spiller to withdraw the
grievances. Spiller defended the validity of the grievances and
refused to acquiesce. In response to Spiller's refusal to withdraw
the grievances Lynch stated, "Well if that's your answer, no matter
what, if you win or lose, you're a loser".
Respondent's displeasure that the grievances had been filed
is further shown by its treatment of the grievants. When one
grievant, Renz, returned from filing his grievance, his
supervisors, LeMay and Renshaw called him into their office and
notified him that he was being written up concerning work which he
had performed a while ago. The job for which he was written up had
been previously inspected and passed by Renz' supervisor and the
Quality Inspectors in the Shop.
About one week after the grievances had been filed,
Greenwood observed two of the grievants, Renz and Knuth talking in
the work area. The record disclosed that both Knuth and Renz were
in what was accepted in the Shop as the work area. Greenwood
asserted that the employees were smoking. Knuth testified that
smoking was allowed outdoors, but that he was not smoking because
he was busy working on a vehicle. Greenwood testified that "there
was no vehicle in the area for Mr. Renz to work on", suggesting
that the vehicle upon which Knuth had been working was in the area.
While Greenwood did not hear the grievances until October, he
admittedly was aware of their filing soon after they were filed.
Greenwood commented to Renz and Knuth that it was not break time,
and then sought out the supervisors in charge, LeMay, Renz' first
level supervisor and the employees' second level supervisor,
Mischel. Greenwood stated that he wanted the employees documented
as being out of their work areas.(3)
A conversation ensued between Renz and Greenwood in which Renz
indicated that if he were written up, he might possibly file
another grievance. Although Greenwood could not recall what was
said that day, both Renz and Knuth credibly testified that
Greenwood replied in a loud angry tone that he "didn't give a damn"
how many grievances the employees filed.
Renz' uncontroverted testimony establishes that later that
same day, LeMay told Renz that he "would have to document (him) as
being out of the work area", but he "wasn't going to make a big
deal about it." LeMay had Renz initial a statement to be entered
into Renz' records which stated that Renz had been "briefed on work
areas". This statement however, was not initialed by the employee
pursuant to procedures established by the parties in the collective
bargaining agreement.
The next day, Knuth had a conversation with his supervisor,
AuCoin, who told him that Greenwood had asked both he and LeMay
what they were going to do about Knuth and Renz being out of their
work areas. It is not disputed that Knuth and AuCoin discussed what
statement would be placed in Knuth's records, and agreed that the
statement would merely indicate that the two had "discussed work
areas". Knuth later learned, however, when viewing his personnel
records, that the agreed-upon statement was not the statement which
had been placed in his records. Rather, the initial statement
proposed by AuCoin, that Knuth had been observed out of his work
area, had been placed in Knuth's file.
Employees in the Shop are not restricted to a certain area
of the shop. In order to perform their work duties, they are
required to freely move about the shop area, including outdoors.
The testimony of the three employee witnesses, who testified with
significant detail concerning the duties performed in different
areas in the shop is credited over that of Greenwood, who
admittedly does not work on the shop floor.
In another step, Respondent required Knuth to take annual
leave in connection with his attendance at a training session. This
incident occurred while Knuth's grievance was at the third step of
the grievance procedure, awaiting a hearing before a grievance
panel. On September 24, 1991, Knuth attended an approved training
session. On the day prior to the training session, Knuth informed
AuCoin that he would be attending the training. Knuth had been
placed on a waiting list and did not receive confirmation that he
had been selected for the training until the day prior to the
training session. Knuth had been notified by Gloria Sands, a
training coordinator in Respondent's CPO, that he should report
directly to the training session.(4)
Knuth reported directly to the training session, and then went to
work after the training was completed. Upon reaching work that same
day, Knuth was informed by AuCoin that he would be charged AWOL if
he did not fill out a leave slip, because the training class began
at 9:00 a.m., and Knuth's normal duty hours started at 7:00 a.m.
Knuth told AuCoin that he had been notified by Sands to report
directly to the training session. AuCoin continued to insist that
Knuth had been AWOL and would be required to take leave. Upon
consultation with Greenwood, AuCoin required Knuth to take 1.25
hours of annual leave. It is not disputed that Respondent's CPO is
responsible for notifying supervisors of employee training.
Employee witnesses credibly testified that it was the normal
practice in the Shop for employees to report directly to training
sessions, rather than to the Shop in order to avoid the necessity
of travel vouchers. Spiller testified that he had reported directly
to training without incident when his shift started at 7:30 a.m.,
and the training class did not begin until 8:30 a.m. or 9:00 a.m.
There is no record evidence that in the recent past, Shop employees
reported to work before attending a training session, or were
required to take annual leave in connection with the attendance of
a training session.
Spiller's uncontroverted testimony was that after the
grievances were filed he was verbally reprimanded by Renshaw
concerning the manner in which he handled work orders, where before
the same conduct had gone without comment. Further, Spiller was
issued a written counselling statement concerning his
representational activities during the same period the Union was
pursuing his and the other employees' grievances.
Spiller was also verbally reprimanded by Renshaw when he
spoke briefly to Knuth on the shop floor in an attempt to calm
Knuth down when he appeared upset about something. Renshaw's
recollection of this incident was that it occured some 2-3 weeks
prior to September 25, 1991, which would put it squarely in the
time frame of the case. Spiller was approached by Renshaw, who
harshly warned Spiller not to conduct union business without
permission, and threatened to write Spiller up if he conducted
union business again without permission. Spiller credibly says that
several such conversations had gone on with employees in the past,
but without comment by management.
Approximately three weeks later, Spiller was issued a
counselling memorandum based on an incident involving Knuth. On
September 25, 1991, Spiller had a meeting with Knuth concerning a
representational matter. The meeting between Knuth and Spiller was
arranged through each of the employee's first level supervisors,
LeMay and Renshaw. Spiller approached Knuth later that same day and
inquired whether Knuth needed to document time in his records for a
job that he had assisted Spiller with a few weeks earlier. Spiller
left the area after having learned that Knuth did not need the
additional time for his records. He was soon confronted by Renshaw,
however, who accused him of conducting union business without
permission. Spiller, who had a work order in his hand at the time,
denied the accusation, to no avail.
The following day, Renshaw and LeMay called Spiller into
their office and issued him a written counselling memorandum to be
placed in his records. The memorandum stated that Spiller had
conducted union business without permission. The meeting which took
place early in the day on September 25, 1991 with Knuth is referred
to in the memorandum as a meeting with a "fellow union member".
Prior to issuing the memorandum to Spiller, Respondent conducted no
investigation to ascertain the subject of the conversation
regarding which Spiller was counselled. Renshaw admittedly had not
questioned Knuth concerning the topic of the discussion between
Knuth and Spiller. Also he stated that he did check work records to
see whether Knuth and Spiller had worked on the same job, only in
connection with the present unfair labor practice charges. Renshaw
alleges that he asked Spiller the topic of the discussion just
prior to handing him the memorandum, in an attempt to further
investigate. Such testimony is observed with skepticism,
particularily in light of the fact that the memorandum admittedly
was already prepared at that time. While plausible, it must be
viewed as purely perfunctory.
After the grievances were filed, Greenwood approached
Newlun, the Union President and asked Newlun to remove Spiller from
his steward position because he "could not get along with him".
Greenwood made this request immediately after hearing one of the
four grievances filed in the Shop which Spiller helped initiate.
Greenwood also approached the Union Chief Steward, Sveska, and
asked him to consider removing Spiller from his steward position
because he could not get along with Spiller anymore. This
conversation also occurred after a grievance meeting concerning one
of the four performance appraisal grievances Spiller had sought to
process. Greenwood also conveyed to Lynch that he could not work
with Spiller.
This case is controlled by Letterkenny Army
Depot, 35 FLRA 111 (1990). In such cases the General Counsel
need only make a prima facie showing that the violation of section 7116(a)(1)
and (2) of the Statute occurred. Respondent then has an opportunity
to establish by a preponderance of the evidence that its actions
were justified. Here the preponder-ance of the evidence is short of
proving that Respondent had legitimate justification for the
actions it took against Knuth, for being out of his work area or in
requiring Knuth to take annual leave in connection with his
attendance of a training session. In this regard, weaknesses in the
General Counsel's case disappear when the testimony of Respondent's
own witness, Greenwood, is considered. Greenwood's candor
established that he was smitten by the achievements and "awards" of
the Shop. His total testimony confirms that he did not want that
record jeopardized by grievances. Classic is his statement that
"they" wouldn't consult me or they wouldn't give us an opportunity
to work the problem out. These statements carry little weight since
the record shows that the grievances involved in this case went
through the normal two steps of the contractual procedure and the
Union was just not satisfied with the responses from Greenwood's
supervisors, so they continued the grievance process. Furthermore,
Greenwood's hand is apparent in most of the actions taken against
the employees herein. In my opinion, this first level supervisor
set the tone for handling the employees who filed grievances. The
evidence, in my opinion, demonstrates that Respondent's attempts to
justify its actions against Knuth are contrived, and that it would
not have taken the actions against Knuth in the absence of
protected activity.
The record reveals that less than a week after Knuth had
grieved his performance appraisal, along with others in the Shop,
he began experiencing problems with supervision. Indeed, problems
that he had not previously experienced. Greenwood, who admittedly
had knowledge of the grievances soon after they had been filed,
initiated annotations in two of the four grievants 971 files
concerning work areas. Knuth was among those two. Similarly, in
September, when Knuth's grievance was awaiting a 3rd step hearing
before a grievance panel pursuant to the negotiated grievance
procedure, he was charged AWOL and required to take annual leave
under circumstances in which other employees who had done the same
thing, had not been charged. The timing of the annotation in
Knuth's 971 file, as well as the AWOL charge relative to the filing
and processing of his performance appraisal grievance, raises
questions about the appropriateness of Respondent's actions.
The record also shows animus toward employees involved in
protected activity. The attitude of Respondent's supervisors toward
the employees' having exercised their protected right to file
grievances under the negotiated grievance procedure was certainly
not one of compassionate acceptance. The general view on grievances
is portrayed by Greenwood in his statement that the employees could
file as many "damn grievances" that they wanted, when discussing
the work area issue with Renz. Respondent's contempt is further
defined by the prophecy of Lynch that the employees were going to
be getting the documentation that they had found lacking, if they
pursued the grievances. Lynch's forecast, unlike the local
weatherman, could not have been more accurate, as evidenced by the
actions taken against Knuth and against Spiller, whose case will be
discussed in more detail below. The views expressed above, in my
view constitute animus in this case.
The manner in which Respondent chose to annotate Knuth's 971
file helps explain its unlawful motive. It also demonstrates that
Knuth's 971 file would not have been annotated in the absence of
protected activity. The idea of a work area in the Shop seems to
have found its genesis only after the four grievances were filed in
August 1991. This is evidenced by credited testimony, as well as
both Renz' and Knuth's vehement protests against being documented
as being out of their "work areas". Respondent offered no evidence
that it ever imposed "work area" restrictions on employees in the
Shop prior to the admonishments initiated by Greenwood. Returning
to the 971 file, AuCoin's action in agreeing to place a statement
in Knuth's file only to the effect that he had discussed work areas
with Knuth, and then placing remarks in Knuth's file denoting that
Knuth had been viewed out of his work area, seems to be
unnecessarily crafty. In the absence of anything improper with
respect to documenting an employee for being out of his work area,
the need for such guile becomes apparent. The pretext, in my view,
was unveiled showing that Respondent's actions were clearly aimed
at undermining two grievants, Knuth and Spiller.
There is also a close relationship between the annotation in
Knuth's 971 file, and the issue raised in Knuth's grievance
concerning his performance appraisal which further helps confirm
Respondent's unlawful motive, and assists in showing that such
action would not have been taken in the absence of protected
activity. Thus, Knuth's supervisor, AuCoin, admitted that because
Knuth's grievance argued that there had not been sufficient
documentation to support the lower appraisal, he sought to address
this issue by creating more documentation to back up his actions.
While AuCoin sought to characterize this as a policy which he
adopted uniformly throughout the Shop, the evidence suggests that
this fresh approach on his part, not only resulted from Knuth's
grievance, but was also applied solely to the grievant, Knuth.
Although, AuCoin testified that during the time he had known Knuth,
Knuth had been "consistently" counselled, it was only after Knuth
filed a grievance that AuCoin deemed it necessary to put something
in writing concerning Knuth's alleged deficiencies. In the
circumstances, Repondent's unlawful motive, becomes more clear.
In seeking to justify its action regarding the annotation in
Knuth's 971 file, Respondent maintains that it only sought to
accommodate the Union in its request that management have tangible
justification for changes in the ratings given to employees. This
is simply another way of saying that the grievants received the
documentation that they had argued did not exist in support of
their lower ratings. The result of Respondent's subsequent
finger-pointing at the Union, as the reason behind its own conduct,
has an obvious impact on the Union concerning the manner in which
employees will view the Union after the instant grievances.
Clearly, the Union was not asserting in its grievances that
Respondent make a wholesale effort to put as much paper in the
grievants' files as possible. Respondent's explanation that its
actions were justified by the Union's grievance, are in my opinion,
too transparent for serious consideration.
Respondent's claim that the documentation issued to the
grievants was consistent with the recommendations of the 3rd step
grievance panel, that all performance related discussions be
documented and that regularly-scheduled performance discussions be
implemented, requiring annotation in the employee's 971 file, is
rejected. The actions complained of in the complaints in this
matter clearly all occurred before the 3rd step grievance decisions
were issued. Unless they were clairvoyant, the supervisors involved
could hardly know the outcome of the grievance panel's
recommendations before they were made. Moreover, Respondent's
actions can not be argued as consistent with the grievance panel's
recommendation, since there is no evidence that the grievance panel
ever suggested that the grievants be issued a swell of
documentation concerning matters which had before gone unnoticed by
Shop supervisors.
Moving ahead to the threatened AWOL charge against Knuth
when he went directly from home in the morning instead of reporting
to work before going to a training session. Knuth was required to
take annual leave for the time. Knuth's attendance of the training
session provided a good opportunity for Shop supervisors to show
him that he was operating under a different set of rules than those
that applied before he filed a grievance. The record evidence is
quite clear that no employee had ever been required to take annual
leave in connection with attendance at a training session, and no
employee in the shop had ever reported to work prior to attending a
training session. Respondent's motive in the matter is illuminated
by its insistence upon placing blame on Knuth notwithstanding
factors suggesting that Knuth was justified in doing what every
other employee did when assigned to early morning training. Aside
from employee witnesses testifying, that they reported directly to
training sessions to avoid the necessity for filling out travel
vouchers, there was absolutely no evidence of any employee who
attended a training session before reporting to work, ever being
required to take annual leave for that time.
Also indicative of the incompatible treatment Knuth received
is the formula which Respondent used to determine the amount of
annual leave that Knuth would be required to take. The evidence
suggests that Respondent intended to treat Knuth differently.
According to Greenwood, he and AuCoin figured that Knuth should be
attributed 45 minutes for clean-up and travel time, and, thus
required to take 1.25 hours annual leave to make up the two hour
discrepancy. At the same time, however, Greenwood admitted that
employees who were scheduled for an 8:30 a.m. training session,
whose work day began at 7:30 a.m. were not required to report to
work, the 45 minute travel allowance, presumably not being
applicable. He then attempted to explain the discrepancy away by
asserting that the manner in which timekeeping was accomplished had
been changed. Upon further examination, Greenwood admitted that he
did not know whether the timekeeping method had changed at the time
that Knuth had been required to take annual leave. Greenwood's
statements show that the matter was handled haphazardly not because
Knuth was not allowed the extra 15 minutes, but rather that no
"formula" existed prior to Knuth's situation.
AuCoin insisted upon placing fault upon Knuth for not
notifying him of the training in a timely fashion. However, Knuth
notified him about the training session the day before the
scheduled session, which was the day that Knuth himself, learned
that he had been selected to attend the training. AuCoin
additionally admitted that the CPO is normally responsible for
notifying supervisors of employee training. It is unclear what more
Knuth could have done. Furthermore, Knuth says that Sands directed
him to report directly to the training class. Sands' directive to
the employee was simply ignored by AuCoin. AuCoin, ignoring the
fact that Sands had directed Knuth to go straight to training
without first reporting to Fairchild helps establish that
Respondent was groping for reasons to discipline the grievants.
The record evidence demonstrates that Respondent had a
discriminatory motive both in annotating Knuth's 971 file and in
requiring him to take annual leave in connection with his
attendance at a training session. Respondent failed to establish by
a preponderance of the evidence that any justification existed for
its actions against Knuth. Accordingly, it is found that Respondent
violated section 7116(a)(1) and (2) when it required Knuth to take
annual leave in connection with his attendance of a training
session. Respondent also violated section 7116(a)(1) and (2) when
it annotated Knuth's 971 file based on a fictional "work area"
Regarding the counselling memorandum issued to Spiller, one need only examine the testimony of Greenwood, who described him as "working against us." Greenwood also described his basic problem with him as follows:
. . . they don't even give us a chance to work the problem, like the appraisals. I didn't even know these people were dissatisfied with their appraisals until the grievance was filed. . . .
. . . I never even had an opportunity to even get involved in it until we went to the panel, and I just don't feel that I have a fair shot at trying to solve these problems. . . .
Greenwood's outrage that he had to deal with a grievance
when prior to that time, the Union had never filed a formal
grievance in the Shop can not be mistaken. It is also clear, that
Greenwood blamed Spiller for the grievances, although Spiller has a
Statutory right to assist employees in grieving their appraisals
under the negotiated procedure. In Greenwood's view, Spiller was
fine as a Union steward for only as long as he did not actively
assist employees or his own protected rights.
Renshaw's animus is also shown by the record. Again, the
timing is a key factor. See Naval Air Engineering Center, supra. Renshaw virtually admits the fact that the
counselling memorandum would not have been issued in the absence of
protected activity. First, Renshaw says that he decided to research
how much officical time Spiller was allowed approximately two to
three weeks prior to verbally reprimanding Spiller on this subject.
Since the record establishes that the verbal reprimand occurred in
early September, it appears that Renshaw's sudden urge for research
concerning Spiller's allotted official time occurred almost
immediately after the August 8, 1991 date of Spiller's first step
grievance. Then Renshaw says that since approximately April 1991,
he suspected Spiller was conducting Union business without
permission. Yet, it was not until after the performance appraisal
grievances were filed that Renshaw warned, and subsequently
counselled Spiller on the matter. Furthermore, Renshaw admitted
that he allowed employees casual conversations in the shop which
lasted two to four minutes, without questioning the conversation.
He stated that a conversation becomes "burdensome" when it lasts 15
or 20 minutes, and that it was at this point that he inquired about
the nature of the conversation, and why the employees were not
performing their jobs. However, Renshaw never indicated that he had
witnessed Spiller and Knuth conversing for 15 or 20 minutes.
Renshaw found it necessary to break up Knuth's and Spiller's
conversation, although the record shows that such a conversation
would otherwise have been allowed. Renshaw's action demonstrated
not only a motive, but also helps show that the action would not
have been taken in the absence of protected activity.
Respondent's motive in issuing the counselling memorandum to
Spiller is also betrayed by its failure to investigate the matter
for which Spiller was counselled. As previosuly noted, Renshaw
assumed that Spiller and Knuth were
discussing a representational matter, although he did not hear the
conversation, simply because the two had met earlier that day on a
representational matter. While Renshaw says that he provided
Spiller the opportunity to explain the nature of his conversation
with Knuth, the opportunity came with the disciplinary action in
his hand. Such a move is easily recognized as a belated attempt to
justify his actions. The total record makes it pretty clear that
Respondent's supervisors made no attempt to cover their dislike for
protected activity or to secure the truth, or even to obtain
"evidence" which would sustain their action against Spiller. In
this case, there is abundant evidence that the counselling
memorandum issued to Spiller was motivated by discriminatory
reasons. Accordingly, it is found that Respondent failed to
establish by a preponderance of the evidence that there was any
justification for its issuing a counselling memorandum to Spiller
for conducting union business without permission. Respondent's
action, therefore, was in violation of section 7116(a)(1) and (2)
of the Statute.
7116(a)(1) OF THE STATUTE
The test applied in situations such as here is whether the
alleged statement tends to coerce or intimidate employees in the
exercise of section 7102 rights under the Statute, or whether
employees could reasonably draw a coercive inference therefrom.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service,
Chatahoochee-Oconee National Forest, Gainsville, Georgia, 45
FLRA 1310 (1992). Department of the Air Force,
Ogden Air Logistics Center, Hill Air Force Base, Utah, 35
FLRA 891, 895 (1990) (Ogden Air Logistics
In the instant matter, the testimony that Lynch told Spiller
that if "documentation was what the employees wanted, then
documentation was what they were going to get." is undenied. Also,
Lynch did not deny that on at least one occasion, he may have told
Spiller that the employees who filed the grievances may lose, even
if they won the grievances. Thus, Lynch is imputed with making two
statements to Spiller which violated the Statute.
It was decided sometime ago that statements by managers or
supervisors tending to interfere with or coerce an employee in the
exercise of the protected right to file a grievance violates the
Statute. SeeBureau of Engraving and
Printing, 28 FLRA 796 (1987). Telling an employee that he
will lose, even if he wins his grievance can leave only one
impression, and that is that there will be certain backlash for
having filed the grievance. See
U.S. Department of the Air Force, Nellis Air Force
Base, Nevada, 38 FLRA 39 (1990)(where the Authority upheld
an administrative law judge's finding of a violation where the
agency informed an employee who had grieved her performance
appraisal that she had been "marked" as a person who had gone to
the union and civilian personnel). Consequently, it is found that
this first statement constituted a violation of section 7116(a)(1).
The second statement attributed to Lynch, that employees were going
to get the documentation that they had argued should have been
present in order to justify their lowered appraisals, is equally
violative of the Statute. It constitutes a blatant threat to
"paper" employees who filed the grievances, which is what in fact
did occur. There is no question, in my opinion, that such a threat
would tend to chill an employee in the exercise of the protected
right of filing a grievance. Accordingly, it is found that both
statements attributed to Lynch, as set out above, violated section
7116(a)(1) of the Statute.
Based on the foregoing, it is found that Respondent violated
section 7116(a)(1) and (2) of the Statute. Therefore, it is
recommended that the Authority adopt the following:
Pursuant to section 2423.29 of the Federal Labor Relations
Authority's Rules and Regulations and section 7118 of the Statute,
it is herby ordered that 92nd Combat Support Group, Fairchild Air
Force Base, Spokane, Washington, shall:
1. Cease and desist from:
(a) Discriminating against bargaining unit employees
in the Vehicle Maintenance Shop because of their involvement in
protected activity on behalf of National Federation of Federal
Employees, Local 11, by issuing a counselling statement to an
employee; by requiring an employee to take leave in connection with
his attendance of work-related training; and, by making annotations
in an employee's 971 file, because of the employees' exercise of
protected activity.
(b) Making statements which interfere with,
coerce, or discourage any employee from exercising the rights
afforded by the Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute
to file and process grievences under the negotiated grievance
procedure freely and without fear of penalty or reprisal, such as
making statements which indicate that employees will suffer
repercussions because they file grievances under the negotiated
grievance procedure.
(c) In any like or related manner, interfering with, restraining or coercing employees in the excercise of their rights assured them by the Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute.
2. Take the following affirmative actions in order to
effectuate the purposes and policies of the Federal Service
Labor-Management Relations Statute:
(a) Rescind the August 1991 annotation in a
bargaining unit employee's 971 file, stating that the employee had
been viewed out of his work area.
(b) Rescind the September 24, 1991 AWOL charge against a bargaining unit employee and restore the 1.25 hours of annual leave which the employee was required to take in connection with his attendance of the September 24, 1991 training.
(c) Rescind the September 16, 1991 counselling
statement in a bargaining unit employees' 971 file stating that the
employee had conducted Union business without obtaining the
appropriate authorization.
(d) Post at its facilities at Fairchild Air Force
Base, Washington, copies of the attached Notice on forms to be
furnished by the Federal Labor Relations Authority. Upon receipt of
such forms, they shall be signed by the Commanding Officer of the
92nd Combat Support Group, and shall be posted and maintained for
60 consecutive days thereafter in conspicuous places, including all
bulletin boards and other places where notices to employees are
customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken to insure that
such Notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other
(e) Pursuant to section 2423.30 of the Authority's
Rules and Regulations, notify the Regional Director, Region 9,
Federal Labor Relations Authority, 901 Market Street, Suite 220,
San Francisco, California, 94103, in writing, within 30 days from
the date of this Order, as to what steps have been taken to comply
Issued, Washington, DC, April 29, 1993
Administrative Law Judge
WE WILL NOT discriminate against bargaining unit employees in
the Vehicle Maintenance Shop because of their involvement in
protected activity on behalf of National Federation of Federal
Employees, Local 11, by issuing a counselling statement to an
employee; by requiring an employee to take leave in connection with
his attendance of work-related training; and, by making annotations
in an employee's 971 file, because of the employees' exercise of
protected activity.
WE WILL NOT make statements which interfere with, coerce, or
discourage any employee from exercising the rights afforded by the
Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute to file and
process grievances under the negotiated grievance procedure freely
and without fear of penalty or reprisal, such as making statements
which indicate that employees will suffer repercussions because
they file grievances under the negotiated grievance procedure.
WE WILL NOT in any like or related manner, interfere with, restrain or coerce employees in the excercise of their rights assured them by the Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute.
WE WILL we take the following affirmative actions in order to
effectuate the purposes and policies of the Federal Service
Labor-Management Relations Statute:
WE WILL rescind the August 1991 annotation in a bargaining unit
employee's 971 file, stating that the employee had been viewed out
of his work area.
WE WILL rescind the September 24, 1991 AWOL charge against a bargaining unit employee and restore the 1.25 hours of annual leave which the employees was required to take in connection with his attendance of the Septemeber 24, 1991 training.
WE WILL rescind the September 16, 1991 counselling statement in
a bargaining unit employees' 971 file stating that the employee had
conducted Union business without obtaining the appropriate
Dated: _________________ By: ________________________________
(Signature) (Title)
This Notice must remain posted for 60 consecutive days from the
date of posting and must not be altered, defaced or covered by any
other material.
If employees have any questions concerning this Notice or
compliance with any of its provisions, they may communicate
directly with Regional Director of the Federal Labor Relations
Authority, San Francisco Regional Office, 901 Market Street, Suite
220, San Francisco, CA 94103, and whose telephone number is : (415)
1. Lynch, in another conversation with Spiller, over the submission of a letter involving a personnel matter unrelated to the present one, was alleged to have expressed his displeasure that the letter had been submitted, and told Spiller that he should have spoken to someone prior to its submission.
2. Lynch stated that he could not remember whether he had made the statement. However, he did not deny making the statement.
3. Initially, Greenwood, denied that he had asked the lower level supervisors what they were going to do about Renz and Knuth having been observed out of their work areas. On cross-examination, however, he admitted that he told the lower level supervisors that the employees were out of their work areas and told them to take care of it.
4. Sands did not testify at the hearing on this matter. Though Respondent denied that Sands was its agent, the record leaves no doubt that she is. Lynch testified that Sands' job was to "work in (the Civilian Personnel) office indirectly for the Base Commander." He further stated that Sands worked for both management and employees and that she "help(ed) employees." Sands' position description shows that she furnishes an "Advisory Service to management and employees on policies, procedures and entitlements under Employee Development and Training programs". Sands' Position Description also states that she "provides management and employees with sound advice that is timely, procedurally correct and in accordance with applicable directive."