
U.S. Federal Labor Relations Authority

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OIG Reports and Correspondence

The Office of Inspector General conducts independent audits and reviews of the Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA) programs and activities. These audits and reviews examine the performance of FLRA programs in carrying out their responsibilities and provide independent assessments of FLRA programs and operations.

Fiscal Year 2024 Reports

Report No.      Report Title

MC-24-01           Top Management and Performance Challenges Facing the Federal Labor Relations Authority for Fiscal Year 2024

MC-24-02           Top Management and Performance Challenges Facing the Federal Labor Relations Authority for Fiscal Year 2025

AR-24-01           Audit of the Federal Labor Relations Authority's Financial Statements for Fiscal Year 2023

AR-24-02           AU-C 265 Management Letter

AR-24-03           Statement on Auditing Standards AU-C 260 Letter

AR-24-04           Audit of the FLRA's Charge Card Program and Risk Assessment

MAM-24-01       Management Advisory Memorandum Regarding FLRA's Contract for Administrative Support Services

MAM-24-02      Management Advisory Memorandum Regarding FLRA Nondisclosure Requirements and Whistleblower Rights

MAM-24-03      Management Advisory Memorandum Regarding Interagency Agreements and Whistleblowing Rights

MAR-24-01       Review of the FLRA's Compliance with the Payment Integrity Information Act of 2019 for Fiscal Year 2023

MAR-24-02       Final Close-Out, Second Follow-Up Review of the FLRA's Credit Hours and Premium Pay

MAR-24-03       Review of the Federal Labor Relation Authority's Implementation of the Remote Work Pilot Program

MAR-24-04       Quality Review of FLRA OIG Audit Operations for the Period April 1, 2023 through March 31, 2024

MAR-24-05       Follow-Up and Close-Out of the Review of the FLRA's Contract File Management System

MAR-24-06       Review of the FLRA's Privacy and Data Security Policies, Procedures and Practices for FY 2024

MAR-24-07       Evaluation of the FLRA's Compliance with the Federal Information Security Modernization Act of 2014 for Fiscal Year 2024

Fiscal Year 2023 Reports

Fiscal Year 2022 Reports

Fiscal Year 2021 Reports

Fiscal Year 2020 Reports

Report No.      Report Title

AR-20-01           Financial Statement Audit of the Federal Labor Relations Authority for Fiscal Year 2019


AR-20-04           Audit of the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act

AR-20-05           Audit of the Federal Labor Relations Authority's Charge Card Program and Risk Assessment

AR-20-06           Follow-up on the Audit of the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act

MAR-20-01       Evaluation of the Federal Labor Relations Authority's Compliance with the Federal Information Security Modernization Act of 2014 for Fiscal Year 2019

MAR-20-02       Federal Labor Relations Authority's Compliance with the IPERA in the Fiscal Year 2019 AFR

MAR-20-03       Management Advisory Review of Credit Hours and Premium Pay

MAR-20-04       Follow-up Review of FLRA's Federal Transit Benefit Program

MAR-20-05       Quality Review of FLRA OIG Audit Operations for the period April 1, 2019 through March 31, 2020

MAR-20-06       Review of the Federal Labor Relations Authority's Privacy and Data Protection Program for Fiscal Year 2020

MAR-20-07       Management Advisory Review on FLRA's Appointment of Contracting Officer's Representatives

MAR-20-08       Final Close Out, Second Follow-up Review of FLRA’s Federal Transit Benefit Program

MC-20-01          Top Management and Peformance Challenges for Fiscal Year 2020 - October 2019  

MC-21-01         Top Management and Performance Challenges Facing the Federal Labor Relations Authority - September 2020   

Fiscal Year 2019 Reports

Fiscal Year 2018 Reports

Fiscal Year 2017 Reports

Fiscal Year 2016 Reports

Fiscal Year 2015 Reports

Fiscal Year 2014 Reports

Fiscal Year 2013 Reports

Fiscal Year 2012 Reports

Fiscal Year 2011 Reports

Fiscal Year 2010 Reports

Report  No.     Report Title      

AR-10-01           Financial Statement Audit for Fiscal Year 2009

AR-10-02           Management Letter for Fiscal Year 2009 Audit of the FLRA's Financial Statements

ER-10-01           Internal Review of FLRA's Checkout Process

ER-10-02           Internal Review of FLRA's Case Intake and Publication

MC-10-01          2010 Inspector General's Identified Management Challenges

Fiscal Year 2009 Reports

Fiscal Year 2008 Reports

Report No.      Report Title

AR-08-01           Financial Statement Audit for Fiscal Year 2007

AR-08-02           Report of Independent Auditors on Internal Control

ER-08-01           2008 Federal Labor Relations Authority's Inspector General FISMA Evaluation

ER-08-02           Internal Review of FLRA Administrative Programs

MC-08-01          Fiscal Year 2008 Management Challenges

Fiscal Year 2007 Reports

Fiscal Year 2006 Reports

Fiscal Year 2005 Reports

Fiscal Year 2004 Reports

Fiscal Year 2003 Reports

Fiscal Year 2002 Reports

Report No.      Report Title

ER-02-01           Review of the Federal Labor Relations Authority Security Program, August 2002

ER-02-02           Compliance with the Fair Act

Fiscal Year 2001 Reports

Report No.      Report Title

ER-01-01           Evaluation of the FLRA's FY 1999 Annual Performance Plan Submission

Fiscal Year 2000 Reports

Report No.      Report Title

ER-00-01           Internal Review of the FLRA's Human Capital Investment 

ER-00-02           Internal Review of the FLRA's External Affairs Function

Fiscal Year 1999 Reports