FLRA Announces Web-Based Interactive Training On Bargaining Over 5 U.S.C. § 7106(b)(1) Matters

The Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA) is pleased to announce that its web-based interactive training on bargaining over 5 U.S.C. § 7106(b)(1) matters is now available on-line. The FLRA developed the training as understanding the legal concepts and principles involving 5 U.S.C. § 7106 and section 7106(b)(1) bargaining under the Federal Service Labor­-Management Relations Statute (Statute) and Executive Order 13522, Creating Labor-Management Forums to Improve Delivery of Government Services, is critical to the success of Labor-Management Forums throughout the Federal government. FLRA Chairman Carol Waller Pope -- who also sits on the National Council on Federal Labor-Management Relations -- notes that the training is a compliment to the earlier released FLRA Office of the General Counsel’s (OGC’s) Executive Order training, and is yet another example of the FLRA’s ongoing efforts to better serve the labor-management community and provide them current, useful tools to support them in addressing workplace matters. The training is intended to educate Federal employees, managers and union representatives on identifying the employment conditions that fall under section 7106(b)(1) of the Statute, familiarize them with how section 7106(b)(1) or “permissive bargaining” works, and explain how section 7106(b)(1) matters are addressed under the Executive Order.  Information about accessing the training can be found here.