FLRA Significantly Enhances Ability to Research Authority Decisions

The Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA) is pleased to announce that it has added significant enhancements to its tools for researching Authority decisions on the FLRA's website at: www.flra.gov/authority_decisions.  The enhanced tools highlight the availability of a Quick Search feature, as well as Additional Search Options.  The Quick Search feature makes it easier to retrieve Authority decisions by allowing users to search for a decision using any of the decision's page numbers, rather than just the first page number. The Additional Search Options make it easier for users to conduct more precise or focused research by limiting searches by Case Type -- arbitration, negotiability, unfair labor practice, or representation -- and Issuance Date -- using defined parameters such as "before or after," "last 30 days," or "last 3 years."  In addition, the Decision Text feature now allows for more complex searches, including the use of exact phrases, root expanders, proximity searches -- searching for one term within a certain number of words of another search term -- and connectors, such as "and," "or," and "but not."  Comprehensive help text explains how to use each of these new features.  "The new enhanced search capability, which was designed with input from external and internal stakeholders, was developed to provide easier, more user-friendly, and complete access to Authority decisions," said FLRA Chairman Carol Waller Pope.  "This improvement to the FLRA’s website is another example of our ongoing efforts to better serve our customers and to provide current, useful tools for Federal employees, the unions that represent them, and Federal agencies in resolving issues under the Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute."  The full press release can be found by clicking here.